University Council
Meeting Minutes: October 2, 2019
Waded Cruzado, Daniel Adams, Dean Adams, Kenning Arlitsch, Eric Austin, Sreekala Bajwa, Taylor Blossom, Matt Caires, Jason Carter, Leon Costello, Chris Dobbs, Ariel Donohue, Dan Edelman, Tracy Ellig, Chris Fastnow, Miley Gonzalez, Stephanie Gray, Jeannette Grey-Gilbert, Brett Gunnink, Alison Harmon, Maggie Hayes, Robert Hawks, James Joyce, Chris Kearns, Greg Kegel, Ilse-Mari Lee, Terry Leist, Erika Matsuda, Bob Mokwa, Chris Murray, Kim Obbink, Craig Ogilvie, Kellie Peterson, Mark Ranalli, Nicol Rae, Sarah Shannon, Emily Stark, Glen Steinhoff, Dan Stevenson, Cody Stone, Michael Trotter, Cathy Whitlock, Susan Wolff
I. Call to Order
Provost Bob Mokwa
Provost Mokwa called meeting to order at 8:30am.
II. Approval of Minutes for September 4, 2019
Terry Leist moved to approve minutes. Kenning Arlitsch seconded and the minutes were approved unanimously.
III. University Wide Information/Announcements
IV. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
V. Old Items
A. Breastfeeding Policy Revision
Kellie Peterson, Legal Counsel
Cody Stone moved to approve; Chris Fastnow seconded and the policy was approved unanimously.
B. Volunteer Policy Revision
Kellie Peterson, Legal Counsel
Kellie recommended adoption as revised. Sarah Shannon moved to approve; and Susan
Wolff seconded and the policy was approved unanimously.
C. University Sponsored Programs for Children and Youth Policy Revision
Kellie Peterson, Legal Counsel
Kellie shared there were grammatical comments offered but no substantive changes.
Dean Ilse-Mari Lee moved to approved; Dean Brett Gunnink seconded and the policy was approved unanimously.
VI. New Items
A. Academic Misconduct Policy Revision
Kellie Peterson, Legal Counsel
These two policies presented today have been separated out to treat them as separate policies.
B. Disruptive Student Behavior Policy
Kellie Peterson, Legal Counsel
Kellie encouraged members to visit with faculty to ensure this policy works for everyone. Craig Ogilvie encouraged inclusion of online classes. Taylor Blossom, Ilse-Mari Lee and Brett Gunnink asked questions of Legal Counsel. She welcomes further conversations to bring clarity to the policy and adopt changes. Matt Caires will provide flow charts to show the process on paper.
VII. Informational Items
A. Law and Justice Center Bond Issue
Don Siefert, Gallatin County Commissioner
Don shared the ballot is coming on October 16 to residents. He noted that the Public Safety Center β is different than the Gallatin County Law and Justice Center. The bond is $59 million. Victim services shares space and the environment is chaotic, not calm, and these victims really need a safe and calm environment.
B. 2019 Dyslexia & Innovation Symposium Presentation
Jeffrey Conger, Professor & Program Chair of Graphic Design Art
Sarah Pennington, Assistant Professor, Department of Education
The Dyslexia and Innovation Symposium is being held October 29-30, 2019. They are at 86% capacity currently with expectation to sellout. This symposium will aid in changing narrative around the culture of dyslexia. Itβs just a different way about learning β including imagination, spatial awareness and creative thinking.
C. Know Your MSU: Mental Health & Rural Montana
Mark Schure, Assistant Professor of Community Health, Department of Health & Human Development
Alison Brennan, Assistant Professor / Extension Mental Health Specialist, MSU Extension & Health and Human Development
MSU Extension partners with several organizations to provide meaningful resources. Mental Health programs modified to more rural programming. Thrive program for adolescents. Trauma focused mental health program for Crow tribal members. They will continue to seek funding for a pilot project.
Dean Gunnink asked questions, Susan Wolff shared recommendation and Tracy Ellig commended their work. Jason Carter thanked Sarah Shannon recommended Psych mental health inclusion on their resources page for Mark and Allison.
D. Choosing Promise: Update on Goal 1.1: Broaden access for underrepresented populations and increase academic success for all students through excellence in education.
Chris Fastnow, Director, Office of Planning & Analysis
Chris shared update on goal 1.1. Enrollment of underrepresented student populations, the financial need met, 1 & 2 year degree and certificates, dual enrollment, development and co-requisite course completion rates. For detailed information, please visit:
VIII. Updates
IX. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
NOTE: The next University Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th, 2019, from 8:30 AM β 10:00 AM.