
Ensure institutional policies and procedures support the university's strategic plan and land grant mission.

Areas of Responsibility

To establish and maintain reciprocal communication with representatives from the constituent groups on the Council regarding programs, policies and procedures that have campus wide impact.

To study, advise and recommend to the President and, through the President, to the Board of Regents on matters of policy and procedure that have campus wide impact.

To assume such other responsibilities as assigned by the President.



MSU President (Chair)

Chancellor, MSU-Billings

Chancellor, MSU-Northern

CEO/Dean, Great Falls MSU

Provost & Executive VP for Academic Affairs

Vice Presidents


Director, Museum of the Rockies

Chief Data Officer, University Data & Analytics

President, ASMSU

President, MSU Alumni Foundation

Chief Compliance Officer

Chair, Faculty Senate


Chair, All Staff Council

Athletics Director

Executive Director, Extension

Executive Director, Academic Techology and Outreach

Facilities Services

Office of Institutional Equity

Human Resources


Chief Information Officer

Office of Audit Services

University Legal Counsel