Use this form to request a new Sympa listserv. Your request will be processed through the Help Desk ticketing system and will allow you to track its progress.

For information about Sympa listservs, refer to the List Service FAQ.

All questions marked with a this field is required are required.

List Type

Select the type of list you would like to have created.

User Managed
Populated by List owner(s)
This type of list is populated and managed by the list owners.
Populated from Banner
This type of list is generated from Banner using identifying information (i.e. Banner codes) to populate the list. Student lists are based on Banner enrollment data.
List Name & Owner Contact Information

Enter a name for the list and list owner contact information. Please note that the primary list owner must have an address.

Primary Owner
List Description

Please provide a brief description of who will be receiving mail from this list.

  • Include the Banner codes that can be used to identify recipients. If the specific Banner codes are not known please include as much detail as possible in the description.
List Definition
  • Warning: This means anyone in the world can subscribe themselves to receive mail from this list.
  • If your list requires that anyone be allowed to post to it (meaning those who are neither list members or owners), you may request it in the  additional comments field below. We do not recommended this setting due to the security and spamming holes it creates.