Hello, FAST is available to help you during normal business hours, mostly online but if you need in person, we are regularly at Nopper on Monday, Thursday and Friday. FAST is trying to keep up with requests as we learn to fill gaps left by staff departures, your patience is appreciated in advance.  

Mission Statement  

The Finance & Accounting System Team is the technical systems team for University Financial Services, which includes Accounting, AP, Procurement, Property Management, Student Accounts, AssetWorks, Nelnet Commerce Manager & Quikpay (Student Choice Refunds),  and Chrome River Travel & Expense Management for a four-campus environment. We review accounting functions, provide actionable data, develop and improve Banner processes, review and approve security for the Banner modules & software we support, monitor the financial interface with other state and 3rd party systems, provide financial & accounts receivable reporting, approval queue development, online training development, Commerce Manager Setup & testing, and application development for improving business processes.  The Finance & Accounting Systems Team is also the leader of EDM implementations and PCI compliance for all four campuses.

Report Information

Do you have a question?  To create a ticket in WebHelpDesk for technical help, email  fast@montana.edu

Please send your ideas, comments, or invitations to: fastgroup@sympa.montana.edu

Tom Hoffman
Lead Systems Analyst - BS
Phone: (406) 994-2799


Elizabeth Olson's headshot

Elizabeth Olson
Computer Systems Analyst II
Phone: (406) 994-5505

Grace Roudas team picture

Grace Roudas
Computer Systems Analyst II
Phone: (406) 994-4574


Mitchell Baker

Mitchell Baker
Computer Systems Analyst II
Phone: (406) 994-1912


Melanie Ployhar
Computer Systems Analyst II
Phone: (406) 994-4578