The Application Process

The Leadership MSU Program application process for 2025 is now closed. 

Participating in the Leadership MSU program provides a unique chance to delve into the university’s operations, connect with its leaders, connect with cohort peers, and enhance your leadership skills.

Here’s Some Quick Facts to Know About the Application Process:

  • Cohort Size: The Leadership MSU program is intimate, with approximately 20 individuals being selected to ensure the ability for all individuals to participate and providing for a more personal experience.
  • Commitment: The leadership MSU program spans nearly the entire academic year with 10 monthly sessions and you will be asked to attend all, requiring dedication from participants.
  • Selection: Due to its popularity, the selection process is competitive, and not all applicants may secure a spot. Preference will be given to applicants employed at MSU for 12+ months.
  • Application: You are encouraged to apply regardless of past attempts, as each year presents a new opportunity.
  • Diversity: The Leadership MSU program seeks a cohort consisting of a varied group of participants, representing different roles and perspectives from across the university.

Interested in Applying, Here’s an Overview of What to Expect on the Application:

  • Personal Information: Including your name, title, department, and contact details.
  • Employment Details: Length of employment and department head/supervisor information.
  • Leadership Reflection: Insights into your perspective on leadership and its influence on your career.
  • MSU Perspective (essay): Your views on the most notable opportunities and challenges facing MSU.
  • Expected Outcomes (essay): What you hope to gain from participating in the program.
  • Commitment Confirmation: Affirmation that you can devote the required time to the program.

Please note: Participants are selected by the Leadership MSU Selection Committee on the merits and quality of the information provided on the application. The Committee seeks representation from a cross-section of the MSU-Bozeman campus community. Information on this application is used to add diversity and balance to the class. It is not made available outside of Leadership MSU for any other purpose.

Expectations of Being Accepted into the Leadership MSU Program:

  • Attendance: Commitment to attending all scheduled sessions is required, including a signed acknowledgment form submitted.
  • Core Values: Participants should embody the core values of Montana State University.
  • Employment Tenure: Applicants must have been employed at MSU for 12+ months.
  • Supervisor Support: Ongoing support from department and supervisors is essential throughout the program’s duration.
  • Administrative Support: Willingness to share administrative responsibilities and provide peer support during monthly sessions if needed.

The Nomination / Selection Process:

  • Self-Nomination: Individuals interested in the program can apply on their own initiative by completing and submitting the online application. But be aware that department and supervisor approval is required and will be verified.
  • Supervisor Nomination: Supervisors have the option to nominate up to three individuals per department or area. An online application will need to be completed and submitted for each candidate.
  • Application Timeline: The online application submission process takes place in May, with the Selection Committee reviewing submissions thereafter.
  • Acceptance Notification: The Selection Committee’s goal is to put together a diverse cohort made up of individuals from across campus. Successful candidates and their leaders will be notified in June of their acceptance into the Leadership MSU program.
  • Applicant Acknowledgment: Selected applicants will be asked to sign an Applicant Acknowledgment form committing to fully participating in the year long program.

How to Apply for the 2025 Leadership MSU Program:

For those individuals interested in participating in the Leadership MSU program, an online application must be fully completed, answering all required questions, and submitting your form by Friday, May 31, 2024. 

To apply, access the online application using the following link: 

For any questions on the Leadership MSU program, application form, or process, you can contact Terry Bishop at or by phone at 994-3618.