Below are examples of some of the courses taught in the department. The Past syllabi attached are for informational purposes only. Course content, including required textbooks, varies semester to semester based on faculty. Syllabi are intended to give students a general idea of the course. Students enrolled in courses should use the syllabus they receive from their professor.

Need a past sylabi? Email and the department staff will help you locate the syllabi you are looking for. We cannot garantee that we will have the syllabi from the specific class, professor, or year.

Sample Graduate History Courses & Syllabi

This course explores the realms of social and cultural history through visual sources. It aims to help students develop conceptual and methodological tools for analyzing images and integrating them in students' original research.This course covers many different themes and issues but the key topics all revolve around questions of the material environment and its relationship to the human and non-human world.

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Sample Undergraduate American History Courses & Syllabi

This course dives into the history of America's first National Park. It provides a historical analysis of changing perceptions of nature on the development of Yellowstone and of the Park's place in the context of a modernizing American nation.Can humans survive our own technological creativity? This course seeks to answer that question. Along the way students also learn about key technology, including nuclear weapons, computers, synthetic chemicals, bio-engineering, and artificial intelligence, among othersThis course focuses on the United States' history from the beginning of colonization in the 15th century to the American Revolution to the Civil War. It seeks to find answers to questions like What does it mean to be American? and How do Americans define liberty?This course centers the experiences of the complex, diverse array of peoples who have inhabited and together created the American West. Students will examine the interactions between white settlers and Native Americans, debates over immigration, and the attempts to control and domesticate people’s relationship to the land

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Sample Undergraduate European and World History Courses & Syllabi

The goal of this course is to teach students the major characteristics and histories of the different ancient cultures that shaped the modern western perception of its history and of the world.This course is designed to trace the political, cultural, and economic development of Japan from the earliest times to the present. Special attention will be given to Japanese relations with Asia and the West, both in the context of “cultural borrowing” and war, and how these relations shaped the emergence of the modern Japanese stateCovers the history, philosophy, and our current understanding of the biological sciences, focusing especially on the theory of evolution. Explores Darwin's ideas, the manner in which he came to them, his argument's explanatory power, and the diverse ramifications of evolutionary theory.This class will introduce students to the world of public history such as practiced in museums, archives, historic sites, and parks and will begin preparing them for careers in these fields of public history. The class will cover the history, theory, and practice of public history through readings, discussions, and websites.

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