Forestry Factsheets| Montana Family Forest Newsletters Publications
Spring 2020
Summer 2020
Fall 2020
Forestry Factsheets
- The Difference between planning and doing Forest Management
- Forestland Grazing: Understory Forage Management
- Managing your Timber Resource: Which Trees to cut, which Trees to leave?
- Using Alternative Slash Management Systems in Western Montana
- After the Storm: Caring for Your Trees
- Developing a Wildfire Hazard Reduction Plan for Your Property
- Alternative Forest Management
- Managing Bark Beetles
- Forest Soil - How does it function?
- What is a Tree - Biology and Growth
- Pruning Trees
- Trees and Shelterbelts
- A 13 year case study of the impacts of the Fridely Fire across land ownerships and management responses in the Northern Rockies
- 2019 Forest Conditions Report
Montana Family Forest News
- MFF Newlsetter 52, Spring 2025 Climate Smart Forestry, What is it and who sets the Standards Available March or April 2025
- MFF Newsletter 51, Spring 2024 Forest Resilience, Resistance, Restoration, and Collaboration
- MFF Newsletter 50, Spring 2023 Wildfire Behavior Across Landscapes
- MFF Newsletter 49, Spring 2022 Evaluating Tree Crowns for Growth and Health
- MFF Newsletter 48, Spring 2021 Precommercial Thinning
- MFF Newsletter 47, Spring 2020 Tree/Forest Regeneration
- MFF Newsletter 46, Spring 2019 Contracting Forest Work
- MFF Newsletter 45, Spring 2018 Wildlife in our Forests
- MFF Newsletter 44, Spring 2017 Examining Climate Change
- MFF Newsletter 43, Spring 2016 Preparing for Wildfires
- MFF Newsletter 42, Spring 2015 Thinning Mature Stands of Trees
- MFF Newsletter 41, Spring 2014
- MFF Newsletter 40, Spring 2013
Climatic Influences on Forests across Montana – Strategies for Conservation and Functional RetentionPreviously published in Montana Forest Stewardship Foundation Newsletter (2013) |
Forest Ecosystem StewardshipThis book illustrates how various management alternatives have affected forest ecosystems in the Northwest. It explains ecosystem management as a way to ensure clean water, plant and wildlife biodiversity, and sustainability of the forest resource. Includes examples of how ecosystems in the Northwest have responded to wildfire, volcano eruption, and other natural and man-made disturbances. 49 pages. (1997). |
Management Practices For Forest Health And Catastrophic Wildfire ResistanceThis full-color publication includes sections on natural changes within a forest, tree species and their different needs for disturbance, tree selection and harvesting strategies, and the "big picture" goals of forest management. The publication also includes a resource directory. (2004). Hard copy available at MSU Extension Forestry Office |
Riparian Forest Stewardship.Four-color pamphlet discusses forests found along streams, lakes and reservoirs. (1994) - MSU Extension Service Publications - EB0118. Available through MSU Extension Store Free |
Riparian Forest WildlifeThis colorful publication illustrates reasons for voluntary wildlife habitat management guidelines in riparian forest areas. It describes unique characteristics of forests along streams, rivers and lakes - and the countless wildlife species that need them to survive. Includes discussion and illustrations of plants, birds, fish, reptiles and mammals found in Montana's riparian forests. 28 pages. (1997). Download not currently not available. Copies available through MSU Extension Forestry Office.
Water Quality BMPs (Best Management Practices) for Montana ForestsThis colorful, copiously illustrated spiral-bound book details best management practices for watersheds, riparian and wetland areas, roads, stream crossings, and more; it discusses sediment, streamsides, soil, timber harvesting, reforestation, special winter concerns, and the cleanup of hazardous substances. 58 pages; illustrations throughout. (2001). Available at the MT DNRC or MSU Extension Forestry
By Michael Justus, Montana Tree Farm Inspector, DNRC and Dr. Peter Kolb, MSU Extension Forestry Specialist. Whether it is your back yard or the back forty, assistance is available to help you manage and protect your forest resource.
Biodiversity Guide for Montana Forest and Woodlot OwnersHard copy available at MSU Extension Forestry Office |
Timber Sale Planning and Forest Products MarketingHard copy available at MSU Extension Forestry Office |
Guide to Forest Aesthetics in Montana |
Trees and Shrubs of Montana ForestsThis publication is aimed at making it easy to identify trees and shrubs growing naturally
within Montana. A few introduced species are also included. By learning how to identify
trees and shrubs, you will improve your knowledge about Montana and about the growing
things near streambeds, mountain slopes and practically everywhere else that plants
$6.00 |
Important Plants every Forest Steward Should KnowThis guide will help you identify 36 important plants found in Montana forests. |
Identifying Montana's Forest Invasive WeedsThis guide helps to identify 22 Montana noxious plants in forested areas. |
Legal Issues Every Forest Steward Should Know
Guide to Information and Services for Montana Forest Landowners
Hard copy available at MSU Extension Forestry Office
Map of watersheds in Montana; Basins and Sub-Basins |
E3A: Exploring Energy Efficiency & AlternativesWood Heat Curriculum website |
For a full list of Publications from MSU Extension Service go to MSU Extension Service Publications.