Information about the university's emergency plans can be found below. These plans depict how the university plans for disasters. For additional information regarding these plans please contact the Office of Emergency Management at (406) 994-5724. 

Emergency Operations Plan

Picture of Emergency Operations Plan

The Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) provides a framework in which MSU, along with it officials, units, departments, officesand campus community, can work to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the effects of emergencies and disasters. This plan establishes emergency management organization, identifies responsibilities and procedures and provides operational concepts and procedures. 


Continuity of Operations Plan  

Small image of a cover page of a printed report. 

Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning is the process of how to continue identified critical functions under a broad range of circumstances.  This COOP plan addresses emergencies from an all-hazards approach.  It establishes policy and guidance ensuring that critical functions continue, and personnel and resources are relocated to an alternate facility.  This document also addresses how an entity will conduct reconstitution and a return to normal operations post incident.