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University-wide Internship & Job Postings

Where to find additional Jobs and Internship Opportunities

Internships for credit

Have some questions and need to make an appointment? Please schedule an appointment below with our Director, Mariah Stopplecamp.  


If you are looking for opportunities to demonstrate your skills, explore career paths, and expand your network, but don’t have time for a traditional internship, these project-centered experiences are perfect for you - most can be completed remotely, typically involve 10 to 40 hours of work, and are deadline-driven as opposed to set during specific hours. Set up your profile through Parker Dewey and start applying today!

Launch Your Career | Micro-Internship and Freelance Gigs for College  Students | Parker Dewey


There are many internship opportunities available for our students. Paid, unpaid, for credit and not-for credit. If you want credit for your internship experience, you must be formally earning a degree from the college of business. Internships are elective credits and you can only use an internship for 3 upper-division business electives. 

  • Register and familiarize yourself with
  • Read the Bracken Job/Internship emails 
  • Attend Meet the Business Recruiters, Career Fairs and Professional Development events hosted by the JJCBE
  • Talk to your faculty
  • Be involved in a student organization
  • Research organizations, industries and associations that interest you. Check websites for "Careers" or "Recruiting"
  • Consult The Bracken Center at

Remember, many internships turn into full-time job offers!


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