

If you have been contacted to attend an MSU 101 Workshop: 

You have been referred to MSU 101 due to your academic standing. There are many reasons students may be referred to MSU 101, such as academic, personal, financial, health, or family issues. We want you to remember that we are commited to supporting you in your journey at Montana State University.  

As part of the referral, you are required to participate in one MSU 101 Workshop during the Fall Semester 2024. The MSU 101 Workshop and the academic warning process are designed to help you identify the resources, strategies, and tools most applicable to your individual needs.

To help tailor workshop topics, we request students fill out the MSU 101 Workshop Survey. The survey will only take a few minutes to complete and will allow AYCSS to provide sessions most relevant to your needs. Once surveys are completed, we will curate the Fall 2024 MSU 101 Workshop schedule. AYCSS will contact students to register for the workshop(s) of their choice.



We also recommend that you begin your Fall Semester 2024 by booking an appointment with a Success Advisor. Your Success Advisor will assist you in developing signature strategies for your personal academic success. Students who attend the MSU 101 Workshops and make follow-up appointments often improve academic standing by receiving individualized support and guidance. 

If you feel you have already met this requirement or if you have questions, please contact the AYCSS at 406.994.7627 or 


MSU 101