What is AFROTC?
The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) at Montana State University is an educational program designed to give you the opportunity to become an Air Force or Space Force officer while completing your degree. Air Force ROTC prepares you to assume positions of leadership and responsibility in the Department of the Air Force upon graduation. In addition, you develop leadership, time management, and organizational skills which are vital to success in college, the Air or Space Force, and beyond. For more information about AFROTC, please visit the AFROTC website.

Can I get a scholarship?
Yes! AFROTC offers different types of scholarships. There are high school and in-college scholarships. Visit the AFROTC.com scholarships page.

Do I have to be on scholarship to be in AFROTC?
No! You can be a member of AFROTC, fulfill all commissioning requirements, and become an officer in the United States Air or Space Force even if you are not on scholarship. 

Does joining AFROTC mean I'm joining the military?

No. Joining AFROTC does not mean that you are automatically committed to join the military. If you are not receiving a military stipend or a military scholarship as a contracted cadet, you have not entered the military.


What is the difference between enlisting and commissioning?

Enlisted members sign contracts in which they promise to serve in the military for a certain amount of time.

Commissioned members are appointed as officers, and continue military service until the member resigns their commission. Commissioned officers lead and manage enlisted members in executing the mission and perform different job functions within their respective services.


How long is my Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC) after I graduate?

Most AFROTC cadets incur an service commitment of 4 years upon entering Active Duty.

Scholarship cadets awarded scholarship entitlements beyond the original scholarship length will incur an additional month of ADSC for every month of scholarship entitlements accepted.

Cadets pursuing flying careers typically incur an ADSC between 6 and 10 years upon entering active duty and completing their career field’s initial training requirements.


Are contracted cadets military members?

Qualified, contracted cadets (those in the Professional Officer Course or who have accepted a scholarship) are enlisted into the Obligated Reserve Section (ORS) of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) and are not members of the active duty military. These contracted cadets are in civilian status and are not subject to the provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

Can I enroll in AFROTC as a...

  • College Freshman?  Yes. You are a good candidate for the 4- or 5-year commissioning program depending on your major and academic plan.
  • Sophomore?  Yes. You are a good candidate for the 4-year commissioning program. There may be opportunities for you to complete the program in 3 years. Contact one of our cadre members to discuss your options.
  • Junior?  Maybe. The 3-year commissioning program may be an option for you; however, AFROTC seeks to recruit and train individuals working on their first undergraduate degree. Officer Training School (OTS) is probably a better fit.
  • Senior?  In most cases, no. AFROTC seeks to recruit and train individuals working on their first undergraduate degree. There are limited opportunities available if you plan to attend law or medical school. Otherwise OTS is a better fit.
  • Graduate Student? Maybe. AFROTC seeks to recruit and train individuals working on their first undergraduate degree. However, there are opportunities for students to pursue graduate degrees while completing the ROTC program. Contact a member of the cadre team to discuss your options.
  • Transfer Student?  It depends. If you have at least 3 years left in your degree and have never before been a cadet, you may be a good candidate for one of our commissioning programs. If you were once a cadet at a previous detachment, contact one of our cadre members to see if AFROTC is the right fit for you.
  • Prior-service member?  Yes, if you have not yet completed your bachelor’s degree. Based on the length of your prior experience, and the number of credits you have left to complete your bachelor’s degree, you may qualify for one or more semesters of AFROTC course accreditation. If this applies to you, contact one of our cadre members to discuss.

How do I join? 
Contact our detachment cadre team at afrotc@montana.edu or 406-994-4022 to set up an appointment or visit us in Hamilton Hall, Room 325 to discuss the program in more detail and determine if it is the right place for you. We will be happy to walk you through the process to join the program and get your career as a Bobcat Student Cadet started.


What are the enrollment requirements?

  • Enroll as a full-time student at MSU
  • Enter required information into WINGS. 
  • Present original identification documents
  • Complete in-processing paperwork at scheduled orientation session or individual appointment
  • Complete and submit a sports physical via AFROTC Form 28
    • A qualified DoDMERB Medical Exam can take the place of the sports physical
  • Enroll and participate in Military Aerospace Studies (MAS) Classes, Leadership Laboratory, and Physical Training.
  • Meet the following age requirements. Applicants under the age of 18 must receive permission from a parent or legal guardian.


What are the GPA requirements?

To be in AFROTC, non-scholarship cadets must maintain a minimum Cumulative GPA (CGPA) of 2.0.

Scholarship cadets must maintain a minimum Term GPA (TGPA) of 2.5. Multiple occurrences of TGPAs less than 2.5 will result in scholarship suspension.


What is the best academic major for me to succeed as an AFROTC cadet?

Cadets may pursue any major and still be an AFROTC cadet.

Cadets are classified into ‘Technical’ and ‘Non-Technical’ majors. While there are no specific academic major requirements to be in AFROTC, scholarships are merit-based and many highly desired majors fall into the technical category. Therefore, students pursing a technical major may receive priority in the scholarship selection process. Visit AFROTC's desired majors page to check if your chosen degree is in demand in the Air Force.


What is DoDMERB?

DoDMERB stands for the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board and is one of the governing approval authorities for medical accession standards into the armed forces. During their first semester in the program, cadets will attend appointments at locally-contracted medical offices to accomplish required DoDMERB medical appointments.


I have a physical/mental health issue. Can I still commission through AFROTC?

DoDMERB will investigate the nature of your medical history and determine if the condition does or does not disqualify you from service in the armed forces.

How large is the detachment?
Detachment 450 is a mid-sized detachment with an average cadet wing size of 90-110 cadets. 

What career fields are available? 
As an officer in the Air Force, you will be in a position of leadership in your career field.  To see the many career opportunities available, visit the AFROTC.com Life After ROTC page. 

Other questions?
Don't hesitate to stop by Hamilton Hall Rm. 325 (see the campus map or printable map) or call (406) 994-4022. For more information, you can also visit AFROTC.com.