For information on Graduation and MSU's Commencement Ceremony on May 10, 2024, see the Registrar.

If you are a student (graduate or undergraduate) graduating Spring or Fall 2024. Complete and submit the form below to join the DISC's Lavender Celebration on May 9, 2024. Check out the hint section first for helpful information. 

 Contact if you need assistance.

Hint Section

You will need the following to submit your form:

  • Your name, degree, and contact information.
  • A brief biography of approximately 30-100 words will be read aloud at the ceremony.
    • 30-100 words 
    • Write in the third person (using your name or pronoun instead of “I”)
    • The name of your degree subject is lower case except for words that are proper nouns (ex: chemistry, botany, English, Japanese) 
    • If you include the full name of the degree, capitalize as such:  She is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in sociology. 
    • If it isn’t the full name, use lower case and an apostrophe: He is graduating with a bachelor’s degree in psychology.
    • degree you are graduating with and major/minor(s) 
    • other degrees you have  
    • extracurriculars, activities, interests at MSU including leadership roles 
    • plans for the future (graduate school, job, etc.)
    • hometown  
    • long term goals  
    • values and interests 

    Dexterwill be graduating this spring withhisbachelor'sdegree in civilengineering and a minor in Spanish.As a student at MSU, he enjoyedbeing out in the mountains and spending time withfriends.

    Garyis graduating with a degree in animal science with a minor in microbiology.Hewill be attending Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicinenext year. Histime at MSU hasbeen anopportunity to findhis true and best self.  He appreciates the people who love and accept him as he is. 

    Bubbleswill be graduating this spring with their bachelor’s degree inpsychology and honors with a minor in history.Bubblesvalues community service and social justice which is seen through her extracurriculars.During theirfreshman yearBubblesfoundedthePowerpuffOrganization,a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides freeChemical X products to Montana schools.Bubbles has served as president and been a leader inother MSU organizations.  Theyalso organized several protests in Bozeman in pursuit of racial justice. Intheirfree time,Bubblesenjoys drawing, animating, and writing.

  • Someone to present you with your cord and a brief introduction of your presenter that will be read aloud at the celebration.  
    • Write in the third person (using your name or pronoun instead of “I”). 
    • 20-60 words (shorter than your bio since it’s your graduation!) 


    It is encouraged that you include: 

    • Relationship  
    • Why it is important for you to have them here to present: what have you learned and gained from this relationship? 

    Mrs. Puff is Karen's advisor and has helped with research progress and mentored Karen to achieve her academic goals.

    Squidward and Plankton started out as roommates and now have become as close as family.  Squidward has provided Plankton with support all through her college career and has made her realize that she is stronger than she could imagine herself to be.

    BartselectedNed as their cord presenter becauseNedhas been a wonderful friend and mentor. As a student at MSU, Ned understands the challenges and the opportunities and has supported Bart through his leadership positions with the SNPP andatMoe’s.  Ned is an inspiration, advisor, and friend toBart.


 denotes required fields.

Basic Information
e.g. they/them/theirs
e.g. Andres (ahn-DRES); Louise (Loo-ees); Xolani (zoh-LAN-ee)
e.g. Business (B.S.)
Contact Information
Your Biography, approximately 30-100 words to be read aloud at the cord presenting celebration.

It is encouraged that you include:

  • degree you are graduating with and major/minor(s)
  • other degrees you have
  • extracurriculars, activities, and interests at MSU, including leadership roles
  • plans for the future (graduate school, job, etc.)

Optional additional information:

  • hometown
  • long term goals
  • values and interests
  • Write in the third person (using your name or pronoun instead of “I”)
  • The name of your degree subject is lowercase except for words that are proper nouns (ex, chemistry, botany, English, Japanese)
  • If you include the full name of the degree, capitalize it as such: She is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in sociology.
  • If it isn’t the full name, use lowercase and an apostrophe: They are graduating with a bachelor’s degree in psychology.

If there is anything you have questions about or would like to include, stop by the DISC or email

Each graduate is asked to identify someone who will present them with their lavender cord at the celebration.  This can be a family member, friend, mentor, or other supporter who has helped you accomplish your goals and achieve your success, someone who has enhanced your life and/or time at MSU in some way.  If you do not have a specific person in mind, you may ask your student club leader to be the presenter.

You will be asked to write a brief introduction of your presenter that will be read aloud at the celebration.  

It is encouraged that you include:

  • Relationship
  • Why it is important for you to have them here to present: What have you learned and gained from this relationship?
  • Write in the third person (using your name or pronoun instead of “I”).
  • 20-60 words (shorter than your bio since it’s your graduation!)

If there is anything you have questions about or would like to include, stop by the DISC or email

Enter the name of the person you wish to present your Lavender Cord.
e.g. they/them/theirs
The following questions detail if you would like to be publicly recognized.

All qualifying graduates will receive their Lavender Cord and a keepsake at the celebration. They can be mailed if students are unable to attend in person.