What is it?

Special events insurance is short-term liability insurance coverage available to non-MSU entities permitted by the University to use its facilities for specific events.  It is often referred to as “TULIP,” which stands for Tenants and Users Liability Insurance Policy.

Why is it needed?

When a non-MSU entity wishes to use MSU facilities, reservations are made through MSU Conference Services or MSU Sports Facilities.  Potential users are asked for a Certificate of Insurance for liability insurance.  If the potential users do not have liability insurance, Special Event Insurance is often the solution to meeting insurance requirements for facility use.

Liability insurance helps protect both the sponsor and the University against claims by those who may have experienced a loss as a result of attending or participating in a sponsored special event.

How Do I get it?

Contact the MSU Insurance Manager at insurance@montana.edu, or (406) 994-6888.