Entities with which the university does business may also request proof of insurance coverage to verify certain aspects of the university’s insurance program. Certificates are obtained from the state of Montana Risk Management & Tort Defense Division (RMTDD), which self-insures state agencies and universities for general/auto liability and property/casualty coverage. The Montana University System self-insures all university employees for workers’ compensation coverage.

All requests must flow through MSU SRM, allowing us to review the request and notify the RMTDD, if appropriate, to issue the certificate. If applicable, a copy of any existing contract or agreement associated with the activity must accompany the COI request to facilitate a thorough review. The RMTDD will not issue a certificate of insurance unless authorized by MSU SRM. If you are not sure if an agreement or contract should be used, consult with MSU Legal Counsel.

Certificates of Insurance may be requested by university employees only. Only request a certificate evidencing the university’s insurance if it is specifically requested in writing by the individual or organization with whom you are entering into an agreement. A Certificate of Insurance Request form must be completed to request a certificate. Certificates should be requested in the legal name of the contracting party (Certificate Holder). The signed request form, along with a copy of the contract or agreement, must be submitted to SRM at least ten days prior to the date it is needed, although certificates are typically issued within 1-3 business days. If approved, the issued COI will be sent to the requestor via email to be forwarded to the entity that requested it.

Please note:  The university is self-insured by the State and pursuant to §2-9-101, MCA through §2-9-305, MCA, the State of Montana is unable to name third party contractors as additional insured. When requested, a letter from the RMTDD stating such will accompany the Certificate.

MSU can also provide evidence of Workers’ Compensation coverage available through the Montana University System Self-Funded Workers’ Compensation Program. Please contact the Insurance Manager at insurance@montana.edu or (406)994-6888.