Agricultural Economics & Economics Department
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59715 Bozeman, MT 59717-0292


  • Ph.D., Economics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 1987 
  • M.A., Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Manchester University, England, 1971 
  • B.A., Economics, Manchester University, England, 1970


  • Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University <
  • Director, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center, Montana State University
  • Co-Director, Initiative for Regulation and Applied Economics Research, Montana State University
  • Director, AEI Agricultural Studies Program, and Visiting Scholar American Enterprise Institute


  • Domestic Agricultural Commodity Policy 
  • International Agricultural Commodity Policy
  • Agricultural Risk Management Policy
  • Agricultural Science and Technology Policy


  • Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT (1998-present)
  • Co-director, Agricultural Marketing policy Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana (2000-present).
  • Visiting Scholar and Director, Agricultural Studies Program, American Enterprise Institute (2011- present)
  • Consultant to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on risk management issues (2009-2010)
  • Consultant to the International Food Policy Research Institute (1996 – present)
  • Consultant to the International Institute for Agricultural Risk Management on international agricultural risk and insurance and trade policy issues (1996-2004, 2010 - present)
  • Consultant to the USDA Risk Management Agency (2003-2014)
  • Senior Research Fellow, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 1996-2000)
  • Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT (1994-1998)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT (1988-1994).
  • Hallsworth Senior Research Fellow, School of Economic Studies, Manchester University, England (January-June, 1995).
  • Hallsworth Fellow, Department of Agricultural Economics, Manchester University, England (September-December, 1991).
  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Business, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC (1987-88).
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Trinity College (1982-86).
  • Consultant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1982-90).
  • Research Assistant and Consultant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Economics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC (1981-82).
  • Consultant to U.S. AID and the Government of Tanzania on the Consumption Effect of Agricultural Policy in Tanzania (1981-82).
  • Economist, Energy and Environmental Research Division, Department of Economics, Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC (1978-81). 
  • Assistant Professor of Economics, School of Business Administration, University of Richmond (1975- 79).
  • Research Fellow, Department of Agricultural Economics, Manchester University, England (1972-74)


  • North Carolina State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Outstanding Alumni Award, November 2017.
  • USDA Bruce Gardner Award for Outstanding Contributions to Economic Policy Analysis, 2011
  • Western Agricultural Economics Association Distinguished Scholar, 2008. < American Agricultural Economics Association Honorable Mention Award for the Outstanding Article published in Choices, 2007.
  • Western Agricultural Economics Association Award for the Outstanding Article published in the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2004. < Chamber of Commerce Award for Excellence in Teaching, Montana State University, 2004.
  • Senior Hallsworth Fellowship, University of Manchester, England, 2000.
  • Western Agricultural Economics Association Award for Outstanding Extension Program in Agricultural Economics, 1999
  • Henry Schaefer Visiting Senior Fellowship, University of Western Australia, July, 1999.
  • National and Rural Institute on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Award for Excellence in Research, 1998.
  • Western Agricultural Economics Association Award for Outstanding Published Research in Agricultural Economics, 1995.
  • Senior Hallsworth Fellowship, University of Manchester, England, 1995.
  • Hallsworth Fellowship, University of Manchester, England, 1991.
  • Ph.D. dissertation nominated for the AAEA Distinguished Dissertation Award, 1987.
  • Milk Marketing Board Research Fellowship for support of research into the effects of  of the common agricultural policy on world trade in dairy products, 1972-76.
  • Milk Marketing Board Research Assistantship to support work towards a master's degree in economics, 1970.


Books and Monographs:

  1. Vincent H. Smith, Joseph W. Glauber and Barry K. Goodwin, eds. Agricultural Policy in Disarray: Volume I. AEI press, Washington, D.C., December, 2018. 
  2. Vincent H. Smith, Joseph W. Glauber and Barry K. Goodwin, eds. Agricultural Policy in Disarray: Volume II. AEI press, Washington, D.C., December, 2018 
  3. Smith, Vincent H., US Agricultural Policy Beyond 2018: Implications for the World Trade Organization. International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva (19 pages), November 2018.
  4. Vincent H. Smith, ed. The Economic welfare and Trade Relations Implications of the 2014 Farm Bill. Emerald Press, London, 2016.
  5. Vincent H. Smith. The 2014 Agricultural Act: U.S. Farm Policy in the context of the 1994 Marrakesh Agreement and the Doha Round. International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development, June 2014 (28 pages).
  6. Vincent H. Smith. The 2013 Farm Bill: Limiting Waste by Limiting Farm-Subsidy Budgets. The Mercatus Center, George Mason University. July 2013.
  7. Vincent H. Smith, Bruce Babcock and Barry K. Goodwin. Field of schemes: The taxpayer and economic welfare costs of shallow-loss farming programs (73 pages). AEI electronic monograph, May 2012
  8. Vincent H. Smith, Bruce Babcock and Barry K. Goodwin. Field of Schemes Mark II: The taxpayer and economic welfare costs of price loss coverage and supplementary insurance coverage programs (52 pages). AEI electronic monograph, September 2012
  9. Vincent H. Smith, Barry K. Goodwin, and Daniel Sumner, editors. American Boondoggle: Fixing the 2012 Farm Bill. AEI electronic monograph, March 2012. 
  10. Vincent H. Smith and Philip Pardey, eds. What’s Economics Worth: Valuing Economic Policy Research. John’s Hopkins University Press, 2004.
  11. Antle, John, and Vincent H. Smith, editors. (1999). The Economics of World Wheat Markets. CABI, November, 1999.
  12. Aston, Julian M., Philip Pardey and Vincent H. Smith, editors. (1999). Paying for Agricultural Productivity. Johns Hopkins Press, August.
  13. Linda Young, James B. Johnson, and Vincent H. Smith, editors. (1999). 2000 WTO Negotiations: Issues for Agriculture in the Northern Great Plains. Trade Research Center, Montana State University, October 1999.
  14. Pardey, Phillip G., Julian M. Alston, and Vincent H. Smith. (1998). Financing Science for Global Food Security in International Food Policy Research Institute: 1997. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C.
  15. Thirtle, Collin G., Janet Piesse, and Vincent H. Smith. (1997). An Economic Approach to the Structure, Historical Development and Reform of Agricultural R & D in the United Kingdom. Center for Agricultural Strategy. (Monograph, 63 pages)
  16. Goodwin, Barry K. and Vincent H. Smith. (1995). The Economics of Crop Insurance and Disaster Aid. The AEI Press.
  17. Bronzino, Joseph D., Vincent H. Smith, and Maurice L. Wade. (1990). Medical Technology and Society. MIT Press.
  18. Smith, Vincent H. (1990). The Economics of Technology. State University of New York at Stonybrook. (Monograph, 125 pages).

Book Chapters

  1. Smith, Vincent H., and Joseph W. Glauber. “US agricultural policy: impacts on domestic and international food security.” In Andrew Schmitz and Troy Schmitz, editors, World Agricultural Resources and Food Security (Vol 17 FEG), 2017.
  2. Smith, Vincent H., and Joseph W. Glauber. “Agricultural Insurance in Developed Countries: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?” reprint of 2012 AEPP paper in Mark Rosegrant (editor), Food Security, SAGE publications, 2014.
  3. Smith, Vincent H., and Barry K. Goodwin (2011). “Private and Public Roles in Providing Agricultural Insurance in the United States,” in Jeffrey Brown (editor), Private and Public Roles in Insurance, AEI Press, Washington D.C.
  4. Brester, Gary, and Vincent H. Smith. (2007). “Agricultural Policy and the U.S. Livestock Industry” in Bruce Gardener and Daniel Sumner, U.S. Agricultural Policy and the 2007 Farm Bill, AEI press, Washington, D.C.
  5. Smith, Vincent H. (2006). “The Changing Role of Montana Agriculture: 1965-2005” in Montana Challenge.
  6. Smith Vincent H. (2006) “Regulation, Trade, and Market Power: Agricultural Chemical Markets and Incentives for Biotechnology” in R.E. Just, J.M. Alston, and D. Zilberman (editors), Regulating Agricultural Biotechnology: Economics and Policy, New York: Springer Publishers.
  7. Kiesel, Kristin, David Buschena, and Vince Smith. (2004). "Consumer Acceptance and Labeling of Biotech in Food Products: A Study of Fluid Milk Demand," in Consumer Acceptance of Biotechnology Foods edited by Robert D. Evenson and Vittorio Santaniello
  8. Goodwin, Barry K., and Vincent H. Smith. (2003). “The Effects of Crop Insurance and Disaster Relief Programs on Soil Erosion: The Case of Soybeans And Corn,” in Agricultural Policies and the Environment, editors Joseph Lekakis, Robert Fraser and Bruce Babcock, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  9. Sumner, Daniel, and Vincent Smith. (2001) “Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade.” 2002 Farm Policy Bill Options and Consequences, editors J. L. Outlaw and E.G. Smith, Farm Foundation, Oak Brook, Illinois, September.
  10. Smith, Vincent, Daniel Sumner, and Parr Rossen. (2001). “WTO, NAFTA, and other Trade Agreements: Implications for the 2002 Farm Bill.” 2002 Farm Policy Bill Options and Consequences, editors J. L. Outlaw and E.G. Smith, Farm Foundation, Oak Brook, Illinois, September.
  11. Smith, Vincent H., and Barry K. Goodwin. (2001). “Export Subsidy Programs: Implications for the 2002 Farm Bill.” 2002 Farm Policy Bill Options and Consequences, editors J. L. Outlaw and E.G. Smith, Farm Foundation, Oak Brook, Illinois, September.
  12. Smith, Vincent H., and Barry K. Goodwin. (2001). “Export Subsidy Programs: Implications for the 2002 Farm Bill.” 2002 Farm Policy Bill Options and Consequences, editors J. L. Outlaw and E.G. Smith, Farm Foundation, Oak Brook, Illinois, September.
  13. Gray, Richard and Vincent H. Smith. (1997). “Harmonization and Convergence of Canadian and U.S. Grains and Oilseeds Policies: 1985-1996,” in U.S. - Canadian Agricultural Trade Disputes: Harmonization and Convergence, edited by R.A. Loyns, Karl Meilke and Daniel A. Sumner. Guelph.
  14. Goodwin, Barry K. and Vincent H. Smith. (1995). "The Economics of Crop Insurance and Disaster Aid," in Agricultural Policy Reform in the United States, edited by Daniel A. Sumner. The AEI Press.
  15. Atwood, Joseph A., Glenn Helmers, Vincent H. Smith, Boris Bravo-Utera, and Myles J. Watts. (1993). "Implications of Tax Policy for Farm Structure," in The Changing Structure of American Agriculture, edited by Arne Hallam. Iowa Press.

Professional Journal Publications

  1. Alex de Pinto, Vincent Smith and Rcihard Robinson (2020). “The Role of Risk in the Context of Climate Change, Land Use Choices and Crop Production: Evidence from Zambia.” Climate Risk, forthcoming.
  2. Vincent H. Smith and Joseph W. Glauber (2020). “Trade, Policy and Food Security.” Agricultural Economics, forthcoming.
  3. Vincent H. Smith and Joseph W. Glauber (2019). “The Future of U.S. Farm Policy.” Euro Choices, Fall 2019
  4. Eric Belasco, Joseph Cooper and Vincent H. Smith (2019). "The Development of a Weatherbased Crop Disaster Program." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, forthcoming.
  5. Stephanie Mercier and Vincent H. Smith (2019). "Cargo Preference and U.S. International Food Aid Programs." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policies, May, 2019. 38.
  6. Allison C. Sylvetsky, Audrey Hiedacavage, Niyeti Shah, Paige Pokorney, Sarah Baldauf, Kathleen Merrigan, Vincent Smith, Michael W. Long, Richard Black, Kim Robien, Nicole Avena, Courtney Gaine, Danielle Greenberg, Margo G. Wootan, Sameera Talegawkar, Uriyoan ColonRamos, Marge Leahy, Andrew Ohmes, Julie A. Mennella, Jennifer Sacheck, and William H. Dietz. “From Biology to Behavior: A Cross-Disciplinary Seminar Series Surrounding Added Sugar and Low-calorie Sweetener Consumption.” Obesity and Science Practice, 2019.
  7. Bekkerman, Anton, Eric Belasco, and Vincent H. Smith (2019). "Does Size Matter? Distribution of Crop Insurance Subsidies and Government Program Payments across U.S. Farms." Applied Economics Policy and Perspectives, 41 (3): 498–518.
  8. Vincent H. Smith (2016). “Producer Insurance and Risk Management Options for Smallholder Farmers.” World Bank Research Observer, 31(2): 271-289.
  9. Villegas, L., V. Smith, J. Atwood, and E.J. Belasco (2016). “Does Participation in Public Works Programs Encourage Fertilizer Use in Rural Ethiopia?” International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics. 2(2): 101-124.
  10. Jason Pearcy and Vincent H. Smith (2015). “The Tangled Web of Agricultural Insurance: Evaluating the Impacts of Government Policy.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 40(1): 80-111.
  11. Barry K. Goodwin and Vincent H. Smith. (2014). “The Economic Welfare Consequences of the 2014 Farm Bill: An Overview.” Choices, August.
  12. Marenya, P., V. H. Smith and E. Nkonya. (2014). “Relative Preferences for Soil Conservation Incentives among Small Holder Farmers: Evidence from Malawi.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 96 (3): 690-710.
  13. Smith, V. H. and B. K. Goodwin. (2013). “The Environmental Consequences of Subsidized Risk Management and Disaster Assistance Programs.” Annual Review of Resource Economics 5(1): 35-60.
  14. Goodwin, B. K. and V. H. Smith. (2013). “What Harm is done by Subsidizing Crop Insurance?” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(2): 489-497.
  15. Smith, V.H. and J. Hewlett. (2013). “Farm Policy and Disaster Aid Programs: The Path Looking Forward.” Choices, 28 (1st Quarter): 1-5. 48. Smith, V. H. (2013).
  16. “US Farm Policy: We know where we have been but do we know where we are going?” Revue Analyse Financiere (44): January.
  17. Ohler, A. and V. H. Smith. (2013). “Population Characteristics and Price Dispersion in the Market for Prescription Drugs.” Contemporary Economic Policy. 31(3): 486-502
  18. Bekkerman, A., V. H. Smith, and M. A. Watts. (2012). “The SURE Program and Incentives for Crop Insurance Participation: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis.” Agricultural Finance Review 72(3): 381-401.
  19. Smith, V. H. and J. Glauber. (2012). “Agricultural Insurance in Developed Countries.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 34(3): 363-390.
  20. Smith, V.H., and M. A. Watts. (2010). “The New Standing Disaster Relief Program: A SURE Invitation to Moral Hazard.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 32(1): 154-169.
  21. Smith, V.H., and B.K. Goodwin. (2009). “Harvest-Time Protein Shocks and Price Adjustments in U.S. Wheat Markets.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 34(2): 237-255.
  22. Brester, G., J. Marsh, and V. H. Smith. (Spring 2008). “Effects of North American BSE Events on U.S. Cattle Prices.” Review of Agricultural Economics, 30 (1): 136-150.
  23. V. H. Smith. (Summer, 2007). “Regulating State Trading Enterprises in the World Trade Organization: An Urgent Need for Change? Evidence from the 2003-2004 U.S. – Canada Grain Dispute.” Review of Agricultural Economics; 29 (2): 187-200
  24. Mercier, S., and V. H. Smith. (Winter, 2006). “The Policy Environment for the 2007 Farm Bill.” Choices, 21(4).
  25. K. Kiessel, D. Buschena, and V. H. Smith. (2005). “Do Voluntary Biotech Labels Matter? Evidence from the Fluid Milk Market.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics: 87(2): 378-392.
  26. Buschena, D., V.H. Smith, and H. Di. (2005). “Policy Reform and Farmers’ Wheat Allocation in Rural China.” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 49(2): 143-158.
  27. Alston, J. M., V. H. Smith, and J. Vercammen. (2004). “When Do Export Subsidies Have a Redistributional Role: Comment.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86(2): 543- 548.
  28. Goodwin, B.K., and V. H. Smith. (2003). “An Ex-Post Evaluation of the Conservation Reserve, Federal Crop Insurance, and Other Government Programs: Program Participation and Soil Erosion.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 28(2): 201-216.
  29. K. McNew and V. H. Smith. (2003). “Segregation of Grain Markets: Consequences for Price Behavior.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 28(1): 34-52.
  30. Brester, G, V. H. Smith, and J. Marsh. (2003). “Do Protectionist Trade Policies Protect? The Unintended Consequences of an Antidumping Tariff.” Choices 18(3): 41-44.
  31. Brester, G., J. Marsh, and V. H. Smith. (2002). “The Impacts on U.S. and Canadian Slaughter and Feeder Cattle Prices of a U.S. Import Tariff on Canadian Slaughter Cattle.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 50(1): 51-66.
  32. Haynes, G, D. L. Haynes, and V. H. Smith. (2002). “Poverty Status and Substance Abuse Treatment Need on Native American Reservations.” Consumer Interests Annual Volume 48.
  33. Dunnagan, Tim., George Haynes and Vincent Smith. (2001) "The Relationship between the Stages of Change for Exercise and Health Insurance Costs," American Journal of Health Behaviors 25(5): 447-459.
  34. Burton, Michael, Vincent H. Smith, and J. Stanley Metcalfe. (2001) “Innovation and the Demand for Food and Drug Labelling Regulation in an Evolutionary Model of Industry Dynamics.” Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, December.
  35. C. A. Carter and V. H. Smith. (2001). “The Potential Impacts of State Trading Enterprises on World Markets: The Exporting Country Case.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 49(4): 429-439.
  36. Haynes, George, Vincent Smith, and Gina Phearson. (2000). “The Demand for Substance Abuse Treatment among Adults in Low Income Households in Montana and Colorado,” Consumer Interests Annual.
  37. Brester, Gary W., and Vincent H. Smith. (2000). "Beef at the Border: Here's the Beef." Choices. (Second Quarter 2000):28-32.
  38. Alston, J. M., Philip Pardey, and Vincent H. Smith. (2000). “Revamping Agricultural Research Policies in Rich Countries.” Biotechnology and Development Monitor, No 43, 19- 22.
  39. Alston, Julian M., Philip Pardey and Vincent H. Smith. (1999). “Institutional Innovation in Public Agricultural R&D.” Choices.
  40. Alston, Julian M., Vincent H. Smith, Albert Acquaye, and Safdar Hosseini. (1999). "LeastCost Cheap Food Policies: Some Implications of International Food Aid.” Agricultural Economics.
  41. Haynes, George W., Timothy Dunnagan and Vincent Smith. (1999). "Do Employees Participating in Voluntary Health Promotion Programs Incur Lower Health Care Costs," Health Promotion International.
  42. Haynes, George W., Vincent H. Smith, and Timothy Dunnegan. (1999). “Employee Wellness Program Impact on Health Care Costs: Do Participation and Intensity of Participation Matter?” Consumer Interests Annual.
  43. Alston, Julian M., Philip Pardey, and Vincent H. Smith. (1998). “Financing Agricultural R&D in Rich Countries: What’s Happening and Why.” Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, March.
  44. Smith, Vincent H. and Philip Pardey. (1997). “Sizing up Social Science Research.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, December.
  45. Smith, Vincent H. and Joseph W. Glauber. (1997). “The Effects of the 1996 Farm Bill on Feed and Food Grains.” Contemporary Economic Policy, October.
  46. Haynes, George M., Vincent H. Smith, and Timothy Dunnegan. (1997). “Do Employee Wellness Participants Incur Lower Health Care Costs?” Consumer Interest Annual.
  47. Smith, Vincent H. and Alan E. Baquet. (1996). "The Demand for Multiple Peril Crop Insurance: Evidence from Montana." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, February: 189-201.
  48. Smith, Vincent H. and Barry K. Goodwin. (1996). "Multiple Peril Crop Insurance, Moral Hazard and Agricultural Chemical Use." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, May: 428-438.
  49. Alston, Julian M., John Constantine, and Vincent H. Smith. (1995). "Regulating the Genetic Pool: How Costly Can Well-Intentioned Government Regulation Be?" Choices, Winter: 4-7.
  50. Smith, Vincent H., Michael R. Kehoe, and Mary E. Cremer. (1995). "The Public Provision of Private Goods: Altruism and Voluntary Giving." Journal of Public Economics, September: 107-126.
  51. Alston, Julian M., Colin A. Carter, and Vincent H. Smith. (1995). “Rationalizing Agricultural Export Subsidies: Reply." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, February: 209-213.
  52. Constantine, John H., Julian M. Alston, and Vincent H. Smith. (1994). "Some Economic Welfare Effects of the California One Variety Cotton Law." Journal of Political Economy, November: 951-974.
  53. Smith, Vincent, Hayley M. Chouinard, and Alan E. Baquet. (1994). "Almost Ideal Yield Crop Insurance Contracts." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, April: 75-83
  54. Coggins, Jay S. and Vincent H. Smith. (1993). "Some Welfare Effects of Emissions Trading in a Twice-Regulated Industry." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, November: 275-297.
  55. Alston, Julian M., Colin A. Carter, and Vincent H. Smith. (1993). "Rationalizing Export Subsidies." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, November: 1000-1009.
  56. Smith, Vincent H., and Joseph D. Bronzino. (1993). "Measuring the Cost of Health Care Technologies" IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Magazine, June: 34-37.
  57. Smith, Vincent H. and John S. Lapp. (1993). "Macroeconomics and Relative Price Variability Among Agricultural Commodities in the U.K." Journal of Agricultural Economics, June: 272-283.
  58. Smith, Vincent H. and Barry K. Goodwin. (1992). "The Effects of Socioeconomic and Demographic Changes in Consumer Behavior with Respect to Beef Specialty Meats." Review of Agricultural Economics, December (pages 289-297).
  59. Lapp, John S. and Vincent H. Smith. (1992). "Aggregate Sources of Relative Price Variability Among Agricultural Commodities." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, February: 1-9.
  60. Smith, Vincent H. (1990). "The Effects of Changes in the Tax Structure on Agricultural Asset Replacement." Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, July: 113-122.
  61. Smith, Vincent H. (1988). "Health Care Policy and the Economics of Technical Change in the Health Care Industry." IEEE Society of Technology and Society Magazine, September
  62. Smith, Vincent H., J.D. Bronzino, and M.L. Wade. (1986). "Evolution of American Health Care Technology: Economic and Ethical Implications." IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Magazine, September, 5(3): 5-10.
  63. Smith, Vincent H. and J.M. Alston. (1984). "Some Economic Implications of Minimum Pricing: The Case of Wine Grapes in Australia." Australian Review of Agricultural Economics and Marketing, January.
  64. Smith, Vincent H. and C. Elliott. (1978). "Occupational Licensing: An Empirical Approach." Michigan Business Review, Summer
  65. Smith, Vincent H. and C. Elliott. (1978). "The U.S. Economy: Myths and Realities." Baylor Business Topics, March.

Reviewed and Other Publications

  1. John Beghin and Vincent H. Smith (2019). “The Impact and Effectiveness of US Public Investment in International Agricultural Development.” American Enterprise Institute, Washington D.C.
  2. Vincent H. Smith and Philip Hoxie (July 22, 2019). “The Jones Act is a lose-lose for Puerto Rico and US LNG.” AEI, Washington DC.
  3. Vincent H. Smith (July 4, 2019). “Trump’s trade war subsidies for farmers fail to help those struggling to survive.” AEI, Washington DC.
  4. Vincent H. Smith (October 1, 2019). “Amid rising demand for Beyond Meat burgers, US farmers can’t solve this supply problem.” MarketWatch.
  5. Vincent H. Smith and Philip Hoxie (June, 2019). “The Jones Act in historical context.” Economic Perspectives, AEI, Washington DC.
  6. Vincent H. Smith (March 8, 2019). “There is no farm bankruptcy crisis.” AEIdeas.
  7. Joseph W. Glauber and Vincent H. Smith (February 28, 2019). “There’s no looming farm crisis — so there’s no reason to even consider more subsidies.” MarketWatch.
  8. Vincent H. Smith and Philip Hoxie (December 5, 2018). “Trump’s ‘Free and Open IndoPacific Strategy’ should include Jones Act repeal.” AEIdeas.
  9. Vincent H. Smith (December 19, 2018). “Hemp and CBD may qualify for one of the most lucrative — and wasteful — government subsidies.” MarketWatch.
  10. Vincent H. Smith (November 28, 2018). “The farm bill is changing for the worse.” AEIdeas.
  11. Vincent H, Smith (October 23, 2018). “Congress must send aid to those who really need hurricane relief.” The Hill.
  12. Vincent H. Smith. (July 27, 2018). “Bailing out farmers shows why tariffs were always a bad policy.” The Hill.
  13. Vincent H. Smith. (July 24, 2018). “Senate farm bill is the lesser of two evils.” The Hill.
  14. Vincent H. Smith. (June 25, 2018). “The US spends $4 billion a year subsidizing ‘Stalinist-style’ domestic sugar production.” Market Watch.
  15. Vincent H. Smith, Christopher Barrett, Stephanie Mercier, Erin Lentz. (June 21, 2018). “Maritime cargo preferences only waste American taxpayer dollars.” The Hill.
  16. James B. Johnson, Vincent H. Smith, John P. Hewlett (May 2018). “Whole Farm Revenue Protection: A Crop Insurance Available in All Wyoming Counties.” Montana State University Agricultural Marketing Policy Center, Policy Paper 55.
  17. James B. Johnson, Vincent H. Smith, John P. Hewlett (May 2018). “An Introduction to Federal Crop Insurance Products for New and Beginning Wyoming Farmers and Ranchers.” Montana State University Agricultural Marketing Policy Center, Policy Paper 54.
  18. Vincent H. Smith and Ryan Nabil (April 2018). “Strategies for post-Brexit UK international agricultural trade relations.” (28 pages). AEI, Washington DC.
  19. Vincent H. Smith and Eric J. Belasco (March 8, 2018). “Farm subsidies need reform. Congress can start by ending double dipping.” AEIdeas, Washington DC.
  20. Vincent H. Smith (March 7, 2018). “Getting Things Wrong: The Proposed Steel and Aluminum Tariffs.” Inside Sources, Washington DC.
  21. Vincent H. Smith (January 30, 2018). “Three proposed food aid reforms could save countless lives at little cost.” AEIdeas, Washington DC.
  22. Vincent H. Smith (March 7, 2018). “Getting Things Wrong: The Proposed Steel and Aluminum Tariffs.” Inside Sources, Washington DC.
  23. Vincent H. Smith (January 30, 2018). “Three proposed food aid reforms could save countless lives at little cost.” AEIdeas, Washington DC.
  24. Vincent H. Smith (January 30, 2018). “Sonny Perdue gives some good news in his 2018 farm bill goals.” AEIdeas, Washington DC.
  25. Anton Bekkerman, Eric J. Belasco, and Vincent H. Smith. (2018). “Where the Money Goes: The Distribution of Crop Insurance and Other Farm Subsidies.” American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C.
  26. Barry K. Goodwin and Vincent H. Smith (2018). “Reflections on the US Peanut Program: It’s Nuts.” American Enterprise Institute, Washington D.C.
  27. Phillip G. Pardey and Vincent H. Smith (2017). “Waste Not, Want Not: Transactional Politics, Research and Development Funding, and the US Farm Bill.” American Enterprise Institute, Washington D.C.
  28. Aaron Smith and Vincent H. Smith (2017). “Time to reform renewable fuel policies for the public interest.” The Hill, December 26, 2017
  29. Vincent H. Smith and Ryan Nabil (2017). “The case for food aid reform.” The Hill, October 27, 2017.
  30. Vincent H. Smith (2017). “Achieving rational farm subsidy rates.” R Street Policy Studies Paper, October 1, 2017.
  31. Vincent H, Smith, Joseph W. Glauber, Barry K. Goodwin and Daniel A. Sumner (2017). “Agricultural Policy in Disarray: Reforming the Farm Bill—An Overview.” American Enterprise Institute, Washington D.C.
  32. Vincent H, Smith, Joseph W. Glauber, and Barry K. Goodwin (2017). “Time to Reform the US Federal Agricultural Insurance Program.” American Enterprise Institute, Washington D.C.
  33. Vincent H. Smith (2017). The US Federal Crop Insurance Program: A Case Study in RentSeeking. Mercatus Institute, George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia.
  34. Vincent H. Smith (2017). “The Farm Bill remains a case study in corporate welfare. Where is partisanship when you need it?” AEIdeas, July 28, 2017.
  35. James B. Johnson, Vincent H. Smith, and John P. Hewlett (2017). “Wyoming Barley Production: Opportunities to Manage Production Quality and Revenue Risks.” Montana State University Agricultural Marketing Policy Center, Policy Paper 53.
  36. Ryan Nabil and Vincent H. Smith. (2017) $20 billion in farm subsidies doesn’t reach the poor, leaves them hungry. Inside Sources, January 17, 2017
  37. Vincent H. Smith and Ryan Nabil. (2016). US food aid’s costly problem: Why it's time to eliminate cargo preference. Foreign Affairs, Nov. 2, 2016.
  38. Vincent H. Smith (2016). “Economic Sustainability.” American Soy Bean Magazine. September 2016.
  39. Ryan Nabil and Vincent H. Smith. (2016). “A Great America Deserves a Great International Food Aid Policy.” The Hill, August 29, 2016.
  40. James B. Johnson, Vincent H. Smith, John P. Hewlett (2016). “Risk Management for Wyoming Crop and Livestock Commodities Produced Under Organic Practices through the Use of Risk Management Agency Products and Farm Service Agency Programs.” Montana State University Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Issues Paper 52.
  41. James B. Johnson, Vincent H. Smith, John P. Hewlett (2016). “Risk Management for Specialty Crop and Specialty Livestock Operations through Farm Service Agency Programs and Risk Management Agency Products.” Montana State University Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Issues Paper 51.
  42. Vincent H. Smith (2016). “Limiting premium subsidies for crop insurance.” R Street Policy Study Paper # 6 , April.
  43. Vincent H. Smith (2016). “Farms aren’t failing.” U.S. News and World Report, May 19, 2016.
  44. Vincent H. Smith. (2016). “Will farms be devastated without subsidies?” AEIdeas, April, 2016.
  45. Vincent H. Smith. (2016). A midterm review of the 2014 Farm Bill. AEI available at 
  46. Vincent H. Smith. (2016). Crony farmers Farm subsidies persist because of political power, not economics U.S. News and World Report, January 14, 2016
  47. Vincent H. Smith, James B, Johnson, John P. Hewlett. The Supplementary Insurance Coverage Option: A New Risk Management Tool for Wyoming Producers, MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center, Policy Issues Paper 47, April 2015
  48. George W. Haynes and Vincent H. Smith. Agricultural Leasing Stud MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center, Policy Issues Paper 48, July 2015
  49. Vincent H. Smith, James B, Johnson, John P. Hewlett. Managing Forage and Rangeland Production Risks on Wyoming Ranches: NAP, LFP, and PRF-VI. MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center, Policy Issues Paper 49, July 2015.
  50. Vincent H. Smith. Crony Farmers. US News and World Report, January 14, 2016.
  51. Vincent H. Smith. Despite the evidence, a vote to reverse cuts to federal crop insurance subsidies AEIdeas, December 3, 2015.
  52. Eric J. Belasco and Vincent H. Smith The budget deal and crop insurance: The sky is not falling. AEIdeas, October 28, 2015.
  53. Vincent H. Smith and Stephanie Mercier. US Food Aid: Pouring Money Down the Drain. AEI., September 29, 2015
  54. Vincent H. Smith. US farm policy is in disarray. Inside Sources, August 5, 2015
  55. Vincent H. Smith. Food Aid Folly. AEI, July 24, 2015
  56. Vincent H. Smith. Should Washington end agricultural subsidies? Wall Street Journal, July 13, 2015.
  57. Vincent H. Smith. One way the US is like Greece. US News and World Report, July 9, 2015
  58. Vincent H. Smith. Why the US Food Aid System Needs Reform. Real Clear World, June 4, 2015
  59. Vincent H. Smith. Cash Crop. Washington Examiner, May 11, 2015.
  60. Vincent H. Smith. American Food Aid: Why reforms matter. Written testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, April 15, 2015.
  61. Vincent H. Smith. Is the 2014 farm bill reducing the federal budget deficit? Not exactly. AEIdeas, February 13, 1015.
  62. Vincent H. Smith, James B, Johnson, John P. Hewlett. New Farm Programs in the 2014 Farm Bill: Price Loss Coverage, Agricultural Risk Coverage and the Supplemental Coverage Agricultural Insurance Option for Wyoming Farms and Ranches. MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center, Policy Issues Paper 44, July 2014
  63. Vincent H. Smith. Who Benefits from Food Aid: Not whom you might Expect, Nov 12, 2013, AEIdeas.
  64. Joseph P. Janzen, Gary W. Brester, & Vincent H. Smith. Peas: Trends in Production, Trade and Price. MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center, Briefing Paper 108, February 2014
  65. Joseph P. Janzen, Gary W. Brester, & Vincent H. Smith. Lentils: Trends in Production, Trade and Price. MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center, Briefing Paper 107, February 2014
  66. Vincent H. Smith. Slashing Farm “Welfare”. November 1, 2013. CNN Global Public Square Blog.
  67. Vincent G. Smith. Scoring the Farm Bill Policy Options, October 29, 2013. AEIdeas
  68. Vincent H. Smith. U. S. farm policy amounts to $80 billion for rich people, October 16, 2013. Real Clear Markets.
  69. Vincent H. Smith. A Symbolic Vote on Crop Insurance Reform, October11, 2013. AEIdeas.
  70. Vincent H. Smith. 20 Voices of Reason in the 2013 Farm Bill Debate, October 3, 2013. AEIdeas
  71. Vincent H. Smith. The House and Senate farm bills don't make the grade, September 25, 2013. The Hill.
  72. Vincent H. Smith. Farm Bill: What you need to know, September 25, 2013. AEIdeas.
  73. Vincent H. Smith. How a sensible mix of Adam Smith can revive Africa, September 11, 2013. Real Clear Markets.
  74. Vincent H. Smith, James B, Johnson, John P. Hewlett. Production Risk Management for Wyoming Ranches: The Future for Federal Disaster Programs, AMPC Policy paper 41. July 2013.
  75. Vincent H. Smith, James B, Johnson, John P. Hewlett. Crop Subsidy and Crop Insurance for Wyoming Farmers in a New 2013/14 Farm Bill, AMPC Policy paper 40, July 2013.
  76. Vincent H. Smith. ‘Only 2 cents per meal’: Why we should be grateful for crop insurance (or perhaps not), July 24, 2013. AEIdeas.
  77. Vincent H. Smith. Like the past ones, Farm Bill 2013 is an American boondoggle. Real Clear Markets, July 17, 2013.
  78. Vincent H. Smith. A Farm Bill Bait and Switch. US News and World Report, July 17, 2013.
  79. Vincent H. Smith. What happens when you split a farm bill? July 11, 2013, 10:47 am. AEIdeas.
  80. Vincent H. Smith. A chance for leadership on the farm bill, June 21, 2013. AEI
  81. Vincent H. Smith. Feeding the World’s Poor through Efficient Markets, June 18, 2013. AEIdeas.
  82. Vincent H. Smith. Fake Savings: The 2013 Farm Bill, June 11, 2013. AEIdeas.
  83. Vincent H. Smith. A New Bait and Switch Farm Bill, May 31, 2013. AEIdeas.
  84. Vincent H. Smith. Do Farmers Need More Crop Insurance? May 23, 2013. AEIdeas.
  85. Vincent H. Smith. The 2013 Farm Bill: What should farm subsidy programs look like over the next five years, April 18, 2013. AEIdeas.
  86. Vincent H. Smith. Ignoring trade commitments and trade relations only hurts our credibility. The Hill, April 17, 2013.
  87. Vincent H. Smith. A Real Opportunity for Bipartisan Collaboration on Farm Policy, February 25, 2013. AEIdeas.
  88. Vincent H. Smith. U.S. Sugar Program turns Valentine’s Day Sour, February 14, 2013. AEIdeas.
  89. Joel Schumacher and Vincent H. Smith Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing Paper 105: Carbon Sequestration, August 2012.
  90. James B. Johnson, Vincent H. Smith, and John P. Hewlett. “The Common Crop (COMBO) Policy.” AMPC Policy Issues Paper, August 2012.
  91. Joel Schumacher and Vincent H. Smith. “Carbon Sequestration.” AMPC Briefing Paper, August 2012.
  92. James B. Johnson, Vincent H. Smith, & John P. Hewlett. “Risk Management Options Using the Common Crop (COMBO) Policy in Wyoming, an Irrigated Farm Example.” AMPC Policy Paper, 38, August 2012.
  93. James B. Johnson, Vincent H. Smith, & John P. Hewlett. “The Common Crop (COMBO) Policy.” Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Issues Paper 37, August 2012.
  94. James B. Johnson, Vincent H. Smith, & John P. Hewlett. “Risk Management Options Using the Common Crop (COMBO) Policy in Wyoming: An Irrigated Farm Example.” AMPC Briefing Paper 104, May 2011.
  95. Vincent H. Smith, James B. Johnson, and John P. Hewlett. Risk Management Programs for Honey Bee Producers in Wyoming. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing Paper 104, May 2011.
  96. Vincent H. Smith, James B. Johnson, and John P. Hewlett. Production Risk Management Programs for Wyoming Ranchers. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Paper 36, August 2011.
  97. Vincent H. Smith, James B. Johnson and John P. Hewlett. Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments: Wyoming. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Paper 34, February 2010.
  98. Vincent H. Smith and James B. Johnson. Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments: Montana. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Paper 33, February 2010.
  99. Vincent H. Smith, James B. Johnson, and John P. Hewlett. Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP): Montana. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing Paper 100, January 2010.
  100. Vincent H. Smith and James B. Johnson. Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP): Montana. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing Paper 100, January 2010.
  101. Vincent H. Smith and James B. Johnson. Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP): Montana. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Paper 32, January 2010.
  102. Vincent H. Smith and Myles Watts. Index Based Agricultural Insurance in Developing Countries: Feasibility, Scalability and Sustainability. Monograph published electronically by the B ill and Melinda Gates Foundation, November 2009 (45 pages).
  103. Gary W. Brester, Gary W., and Vincent H. Smith National Animal Identification Systems: Options for the United States and Implications for Montana, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing paper 99, July 2009.
  104. Smith, Vincent H., James B. Johnson, and John P. Hewlett. Pasture, Rangeland and Forage (PRF) Vegetation Index Insurance: A New Group Risk Plan in Wyoming, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing paper 98, June 2009.
  105. James B. Johnson and Vincent H. Smith. Livestock Forage Disaster Program, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Issues Paper 32, May 2009.
  106. James B. Johnson and Vincent H. Smith. Livestock Indemnity Program, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Issues Paper 31, May 2009.
  107. Johnson, James B., and Vincent H. Smith. Risk Management Options for Wyoming Farms, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Issues Paper 30, May 2009.
  108. Johnson, James B., and Vincent H. Smith. Risk Management Options for Montana Ranchers, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Issues Paper 29, May 2009.
  109. Johnson, James B., and Vincent H. Smith. Risk Management Options for Montana Farms, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Issues Paper 28, May 2009.
  110. Johnson, James B., Vincent H. Smith, and John P. Hewlett. Risk Management Options for Wyoming Ranches, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Issues Paper 27, May 2009.
  111. Smith, Vincent H., James B. Johnson, and John P. Hewlett. Pasture, Rangeland and Forage (PRF) Rainfall Index Insurance: A New Group Risk Plan Available in Montana, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing paper 98, April 2009
  112. Smith, Vincent H., and James B. Johnson. AGR-Lite: An Option for Montana Producers, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing paper 95, April 2009
  113. Vincent H. Smith. “Old Favorites and New Initiatives: Implications of the New Farm Bill for the Ninth District.” Fedgazette, September 2008
  114. Haynes, George, Duane Griffith, & Vincent Smith. Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008: Program Changes and New Initiatives, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing paper 93, June 2008.
  115. Joel Schumacher and Vincent Smith. “Feedstock Requirements for Large Scale 100 Million Gallon Biodiesel Production Facilities in Montana.” Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing paper 92, December, 2007.
  116. George Haynes, Duane Griffith, and Vincent Smith. “Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008: Program Changes and New Initiatives.” Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing paper 93, June 2008.
  117. Vincent H. Smith and Barry K. Goodwin. Harvest-Time Protein Shocks and Price Adjustment in U.S. Wheat Markets, Agricultural marketing Center Policy Issues Paper 23, August 2007.
  118. Vincent H. Smith. Regulating State Trading Enterprises in the GATT: An Urgent Need for Change? Evidence from the 2003-2004 U.S.--Canada Grain Dispute, Agricultural marketing Center Policy Issues Paper 13, February 2006.
  119. John M. Marsh, Gary W. Brester, Vincent H. Smith. The Impacts of U.S. Cattle Prices of Re-establishing Beef Trade Relations, 74, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing Paper, February 2005.
  120. John M. Marsh, Gary W. Brester, Vincent H. Smith, The Impacts of North American BSE Discoveries on U.S. and Canadian Cattle Prices, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing Paper, February 2005
  121. N. Milliken, V. H. Smith, and M. Watts. “Street Smart Economics.” Montana Business Quarterly, 42(1), Spring 2004
  122. Kevin McNew and Vincent H. Smith. Exchange Rates and Montana Agriculture: What are the Impacts? Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing Paper 68, 2004
  123. Johnson, James B., and Vincent Smith. (2003) “Adverse Impacts of Drought on Crops and Crop Producers in the West.” Western Economics Forum 2(1), Spring: 9-13.
  124. Vincent H. Smith and James B. Johnson. Agricultural Chemical Prices in Canada and the United States: A Case Study of Alberta and Montana, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Policy Paper, 4:2004.
  125. Kristen Kiesel, David Buschena, Vincent Smith. Biotech Food Labeling and Consumer Response: An Analysis of the Effects of Voluntary rBGH-free Labels on the Market for Fluid Milk, Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing No. 29, August 2002.
  126. V. H. Smith. Federal Crop and Crop Revenue Insurance Programs: Optional, Basic and Enterprise Units. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing # 6, November 2001.
  127. V. H. Smith. Federal Crop and Crop Revenue Insurance Programs: Determining APH Yields. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing # 7, November 2001.
  128. V. H. Smith. Federal Crop and Crop Revenue Insurance Programs: Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) and Catastrophic Coverage Contracts. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing # 8, November 2001
  129. V. H. Smith. Federal Crop and Crop Revenue Insurance Programs: Group Risk Plan Contracts. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing # 12, November 2001.
  130. V. H. Smith. Federal Crop and Crop Revenue Insurance Programs: Income Protection. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing # 11, November 2001.
  131. V. H. Smith. Federal Crop and Crop Revenue Insurance Programs: Revenue Assurance. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing # 10, November 2001.
  132. V. H. Smith. Federal Crop and Crop Revenue Insurance Programs: Crop Revenue Coverage. Agricultural Marketing Policy Center Briefing # 9, November 2001.
  133. G. Haynes, V. H. Smith, and Nate St. Pierre. Native American Substance Abuse Treatment Study: Flathead Reservation. Monograph prepared for Addictive and Mental Disorders Division, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, July 2001.
  134. G. Haynes, V. H. Smith, and Nate St. Pierre. Native American Substance Abuse Treatment Study: Northern Cheyenne Reservation. Monograph prepared for Addictive and Mental Disorders Division, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, July 2001.
  135. G. Haynes, V. H. Smith, and Nate St. Pierre. Native American Substance Abuse Treatment Study: Northern Cheyenne Reservation. Monograph prepared for Addictive and Mental Disorders Division, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, July 2001.
  136. G. Haynes, V. H. Smith, and Nate St. Pierre. Native American Substance Abuse Treatment Study: Northern Cheyenne Reservation. Monograph prepared for Addictive and Mental Disorders Division, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, July 2001.
  137. G. Haynes, V. H. Smith, and Nate St. Pierre. Native American Substance Abuse Treatment Study: Fort Peck Reservation. Monograph prepared for Addictive and Mental Disorders Division, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, July 2001.
  138. G. Haynes, V. H. Smith and N. St Pierre. Native American Substance Abuse Study: Technical Report. Monograph prepared for Addictive and Mental Disorders Division, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services. (210 pages), July 2001.
  139. V. H. Smith. Why PSEs Don=t Measure Trade Distortions: The Case of Canada and the United States. Monograph prepared for the North Dakota Wheat Commission (50 pages), March, 2001.
  140. Smith, Vincent H., and Colin Carter. The Current and Future Role of the Canadian Wheat Board In World Markets. Report prepared for U.S. Wheat Associates, 111 pages, September 2000.
  141. Haynes, Gorge and Vincent H. Smith. (2000). Household Substance Abuse and Treatment Needs Among Low Income Households. Report prepared for the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services Addictive and Mental Disorders Division.
  142. Brester, Gary W., John M. Marsh, and Vincent H. Smith. (1999). Evaluating the Impacts of the U.S. Department of Commerce=s Preliminary Imposition of Tariffs on U.S. Imports of Canadian Live Cattle. MSU Trade Research Paper # 34.
  143. Brester, Gary W., and Vincent H. Smith. (1999). Country of Origin Labeling in the U.S. Beef Industry: Potential Economic Costs and Benefits. MSU Trade Research Briefing Paper # 7.
  144. Smith, Vincent H. (1999). The European Union Common Agricultural Policy and the WTO GATT Mini-Round. MSU Trade Research Briefing Paper # 3.
  145. Haynes, George M., Vincent H. Smith, and William MacAuliffe. (1999). Substance Abuse Need Assessment in Montana. United States Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Monograph.
  146. Smith, Vincent H, and Barry K. Goodwin. (1999). “Market Access Issues for Wheat Producers in the 2000 WTO Negotiations.” U.S. Wheat Associates.
  147. Riley, William, George M. Haynes and Vincent H. Smith. (1997). Montana Adult Household Substance Abuse Treatment Analysis. Report prepared for the Montana Department of Public ealth and Human Services Addictive and Mental Disorders Division, October.
  148. Riley, William, George M. Haynes and Vincent H. Smith. (1997). Montana State Prison and Women=s Correctional Facility Substance Abuse Treatment Demand Analysis. Report prepared for the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services Addictive and Mental Disorders Division, October.
  149. Riley, William, George M. Haynes and Vincent H. Smith. (1997). Montana Treatment Capacity Analysis. Report prepared for the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services Addictive and Mental Disorders Division, October.
  150. Smith, Vincent H. and Joseph W. Glauber. (1997). “The Effects of the 1996 Farm Bill on Feed and Food Grains.” Montana State University Trade Research Center, Policy Issues Paper Number 3, September.
  151. Vavra, Pavel and Vincent H. Smith. (1997). “Cereals Area Supply Response in the United Kingdom: The Effects of CAP Reform.” Montana State University Trade Research Center, Research Discussion Paper Number 3, June.
  152. Alston, Julian M., Vincent H. Smith, Albert Acquaie and Safdar Hussein. (1997). “Least Cost Cheap-Food Policies: Some Implication for Food Aid.” Montana State University Trade Research Center, Research Discussion Paper Number 4, June.
  153. Smith, Vincent H. and David L. Colman. (1997). “A New Comparative Analysis of Policy Instruments for Environmental Conservation.” University of Manchester School of Economics Studies, Working Paper.
  154. Smith, Vincent H. (1996). NAFTA, GATT, and Agriculture in the Northern Rockies and Great Plains. Special Report, Trade Research Center, Montana State University, Bozeman.
  155. Smith, Vincent H. (1996). “Measuring the Benefits of Social Science Research,” in Conference Proceedings: Global Agricultural Research Policy for the Twenty First Century. The Conference Secretariat for Global Agricultural Research Policy for the Twenty First Century, Melbourne.
  156. Johnson, James B. and Vincent H. Smith. (1996). "Sunrise or Sunset? The 1995 Farm Bill.” Montana Farmer, January.
  157. Young, Linda and Vincent H. Smith. (1995). "The 1995 Farm Bill: Smoke and Mirrors." Montana Farmer, September.
  158. Smith, Vincent H., Barry K. Goodwin, and Matthew Holt. (1995). "Price Leadership in International Wheat Markets." Report submitted to the Wheat Export Technical Education Committee and the National Association of Wheat Growers, September.
  159. Smith, Vincent H. (1995). "Private Incentives for the Provision of Public Amenities: A Survey of Current Research in the United Kingdom." Report prepared for the Political Economy Research Center, September.
  160. Thirtle, Colin, Janet Pease, and Vincent H. Smith. (1995). "Agricultural and Food R & D and Technology in the United Kingdom." Paper prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment, September.
  161. Goodwin, Barry K. and Vincent H. Smith. (1995). "Another Look at Crop Insurance." Lead editorial in The Journal of Commerce, Thursday, August 10.
  162. Smith, Vincent H. (1995). "The GATT Agreement: A New Environment for Montana Producers?" Montana Farmer, March.
  163. Russell, Noel P., Vincent H. Smith, and Barry K. Goodwin. (1995). "The Effects of CAP Reform on Chemical Pesticide Use in the U.K." Proceedings of the Conference on Environmental Reform in the European Union, Vol. II., University of Wageningen (Fall).
  164. Goodwin, Barry K. and Vincent H. Smith. (1995). "Price Discrimination in International Wheat Markets." Report prepared for the Wheat Export Trade Education Committee.
  165. Smith, Vincent H., Alan E. Baquet, and Hayley M. Chouinard. (1994). "Comparing Area Yield and Multiple Peril Crop Insurance Contracts." Montana Ag Research (Fall).
  166. Smith, Vincent H. (1994). "Comparative Advantage and the Opportunities for Gains from Trade." Extension educational discussion paper (November).
  167. Smith, Vincent H. (1994). "Why Trade between Countries can be Controversial." Extension educational discussion paper (November).
  168. Smith, Vincent H. (1994). "Multilateral and Bilateral Trade Agreements: Implications for U.S. Wheat Producers." Extension educational discussion paper (November).
  169. Smith, Vincent H. (1994). "U.S. Wheat Exports." Extension educational discussion paper (November).
  170. Smith, Vincent H. and Alan E. Baquet. (1993). "The Demand for Multiple Peril Crop Insurance: Evidence from the Great Plains." Montana Ag Research (Spring).
  171. Atwood, Joseph A., Vincent H. Smith, and Myles J. Watts. (1991). "Lemons, List Prices and Other Problems with Measuring Economic Depreciation Rates for Agricultural Machinery." Proceedings of the annual meetings of the Western Agricultural Economic Association, Portland, Oregon.
  172. Baquet, Alan E. and Vincent H. Smith. (1989). "Fee Hunting, Public Lands and Opportunities for Diversification in Montana Farm/Ranch Operations." Big Sky Economics, September.
  173. Smith, Vincent H. and R.H. Nicholson. (1976). "Inmate Employment, Rehabilitation and the Taxpayer." FYSK.


  1. V.H. Smith. The Cultural and Psychosocial Benefits of Food Sovereignty in Chemical Addiction and Human Resource Studies. Award from FPCC of $55,000 as part of a $198,000 USDA grant. 2018-2019.
  2. V.H. Smith. Center for Regulation and Applied Economic Analysis. Koch Foundation. $6,578,000. 2016-2021.
  3. V.H. Smith. Agricultural Sustainability for American Indians in the Great Plains. Award from FPCC of $50,700 as part of a $197,000 USDA grant. 2016-2017.
  4. V.H. Smith. The Agricultural Insurance Industry. USDA ERS, $20,000. 2014.
  5. V.H. Smith. The Beef Livestock Industry in a Global Context. Koch Foundation Educational Grant, 2014. $9,000.
  6. V. H. Smith. Climate Change and Smallholder Agriculture. IFPRI. $65,500. 2013-2016. 2014
  7. E. Nkonya (IFPRI). Energy, Water, and Productivity in Malawi and Mozambique. German Government. $1.6 million of which $55,000 in a travel grant to V.H. Smith. 2013-2015.
  8. V.H. Smith. The Economics of the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Koch Foundation Educational Grant, 2012-13. $5,500.
  9. V.H. Smith. Conservation Reserve Programs on the Fort Peck Reservation, (with Fort Peck Community College), USDA CSREES, 2011-2014, $200,000.
  10. V.H. Smith. Carbon Credits and Carbon Sequestration in the American Indian Reservation Context, (with Fort Peck Community College), USDA CSREES, 2009-2011, $175,000.
  11. V.H. Smith. Risk Management and the New Federal Standing Disaster Programs (with Fort Peck Community College), USDA RMA, 2009-2010, $125,000.
  12. V.H. Smith and James B. Johnson. Risk Management Education for American Indian Livestock Producers (with Fort Peck Community College), USDA RMA, 2008-2009, $130,000
  13. V.H. Smith. The Economics and Finance of Small Scale Bioenergy Production, (with Fort Peck Community College) USDA CSREES, 2007-2009, $88,000.
  14. Vincent H. Smith and Carrie Sue Archdale (FPCC). Articulating and Addressing the Needs of Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation – 2501. USDA CSREES, October 1, 2007 – September 30, 2010, $300,000 ($45,000 to MSU)
  15. Vincent H. Smith. Extension Education Research for Fort Peck Community College, USDA CSREES and Fort Peck Community College, October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2011, $40,000
  16. V.H. Smith. Bioenergy Education for American Indians (with Fort Peck Community College), USDA CSREES, 2007-2008, $19,000.
  17. V. H. Smith. The Economics of Camelina in Montana. MSU Biobased Research Institute, 2006- 2007, $27,450.
  18. Vincent H. Smith and Carrie Sue Archdale (FPCC). Entrepreneurship Education for Successful Bio-Energy Production in the 32 County WIRED Program Region. State of Montana WIRED Program, July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2010, $306,000 ($125,000 to MSU).
  19. V. H. Smith. Animal Identification on American Indian Reservations. (with Fort Peck Community College), USDA CSREES, 2006-2008, $75,000.
  20. V.H. Smith. New Risk Management Opportunities for American Indian Livestock Producers. Fort Peck Community College/USDA RMA, 2005-2006, $76,000.
  21. M. Frick and V.H. Smith. Agricultural Policy and Management Education. Little Big Horn College/ USDA CSREES, 2005-2008, $64,000.
  22. V.H. Smith. WTO and NAFTA: Implications for American Wheat Producers. Montana Wheat and Barley Committee Research Grants, 2005-2006. $5,000
  23. V.H. Smith. Agricultural Chemical Prices in Montana and Alberta. Montana State Department of Agriculture and Montana Wheat and Barley Committee Research Grants, 2004-2005. $5,000
  24. V.H. Smith. Livestock Marketing Channels for American Indian Agricultural Producers. Fort Peck Community College/USDA, 2004-2006. $150,000.
  25. V.H. Smith. Risk Management in the American Indian Livestock producer Farm Plan. USDA Risk Management Agency Outreach Education Grant, 2003-2004. $100,000.
  26. V.H. Smith, M. Frick, and D. Kress. Transitioning to Excellence in Agricultural and Natural Resource Baccalaureate Education. USDA Higher Education Challenge Grant, 2003-2005. $248,000.
  27. V. H. Smith and G. Brester. Field to Market: Malting Barley in the American Indian Farm Plan. Fort Peck Community College/USDA, 2003-2005. $150,000
  28. V. H. Smith and J. B. Johnson. The Economics of Wheat Protein and Wheat Gluten. USDA ERS, 2002 - 2004. $85,000
  29. J. Johnson, V. H. Smith, and G. Brester. Partnership to Develop and Deliver Risk Management Education. USDA Risk Management Agency, 2002-2003, $100,000. 
  30. V. H. Smith and J. Johnson. Markets for Alternative Crops. Fort Peck Community College/USDA, 2002-2004, $112,500.
  31. J. Johnson, G. Brester, and V. H. Smith. Market Prices for Alternative Crops. Montana State Department of Agriculture, 2002-2003, $40,000.
  32. V. H. Smith and J. Johnson (with Fort Peck Community College). Risk Management Education for American Indian Agricultural Producers. USDA Risk Management Agency, 2002-2003, $150,000
  33. V. H. Smith, J. Johnson and Gary Brester. Risk Management for Alternative Crops, through contract with MGGA, 2002-2004, $10,000
  34. V. H. Smith. Follow the Grain and Oilseeds. Montana State Department of Agriculture, Jan1 2003-August 31, 2003, $2,500.
  35. V. H. Smith and W. Stock. Economics Education Workshop, Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation, July 2002 - July 2003, $1,500
  36. Montana State Department of Agriculture, Research Grant for Alternative Crops: Market Structure and Exchange Rates, Smith, Brester, Johnson; Montana State Department of Agriculture, January, 2002 B August 2003, $40,000.
  37. U.S.D.A. CSREES Grant on Risk Management Education through sub-contact with the Montana Grain Growers Association, $10,500.
  38. U.S.D.A. CSREES Grant on Risk Management Education, Smith and Brester, 2001-2002, $74,500.
  39. U.S.D.A. CSREES Educational Challenge Grant on Agriculture in a Global Environment to develop three new multi-disciplinary capstone courses on the grain industry, the beef industry, and technology and limited resource farming at the MSU College of Agriculture. 1999-2001 ($222.8 k). Smith, Burfening, and Frick.
  40. U.S.D.A. Economic Research Service Grant to prepare a chapter on Wheat Quality issues for the U.S.D.A. Year 2000 Wheat Base Book. 1999-2000 ($5 k). Smith.
  41. U.S.D.A. CSREES Education Grant to disseminate information to Land Grant Institutions about a new multidisciplinary capstone course curriculum, Follow the Grain. 1999-2000. ($5k). Smith and Peterson.
  42. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment grant to investigate the prevalence of alcohol and drug use among Native American and low income households in Montana, 1997-2000. ($820k) Smith and Haynes in conjunction with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Addictive and Mental Disorders Division.
  43. Montana State Department of Public Health and Human Services grant to evaluate alternative methods for estimating the effectiveness of anti-tobacco use programs in Montana. 1997. ($4k) Smith and Haynes.
  44. Montana State University Trade Research Center grant to organize an international symposium on the Economics of World Wheat Markets and prepare an edited book from the proceedings. 1997-98. ($55k) Smith.
  45. Montana State University Trade Research Center grant to examine the effects of Japanese, Canadian and EU trade policies on U.S. wheat markets. 1997-98. ($65k) Smith.
  46. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) grant to develop a research program and international research symposium on the benefits of social science research. 1995-97. ($150k) Smith and Pardey.
  47. U.S.D.A. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation grant to examine the effects of multiple crop insurance programs on the use of environmentally fragile lands. 1996-97. ($10k) Smith and Goodwin.
  48. U.S.D.A. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation grant to examine the effects of crop insurance programs on use of environmentally fragile lands. 1995-96. ($17k) Smith and Goodwin.
  49. Montana State Department of Public Health and Human Services grant to design and analyze survey of drug and alcohol abuse behavior in Montana. 1995-97. ($55k) Smith and Haynes.
  50. State of Montana Public Health and Human Services grant to assess effects of non-smoking policies on cigarette consumption. 1995-96. ($4.5k) Haynes and Smith
  51. National Association of Wheat Growers grant to examine price leadership and price discrimination in world wheat markets. 1995-96. ($22k) Smith and Goodwin. 
  52. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) grant to examine methodologies for evaluating the returns from social science research. 1995. ($5k) Smith.
  53. Political Economy Research Center grant to survey research in the United Kingdom on the private provision of environmental amenities in Britain. 1995. ($1k) Smith.
  54. Montana Wheat and Barley grant to examine the impacts of changes in Canadian grain transportation subsidies on grain prices and grain handling in Montana. 1995. ($25k) Smith, Young, Rust, and Johnson.
  55. U.S.D.A. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation grant to analyze determinants of group risk plan participation, 1994-95. ($8.1k) Smith and Baquet.
  56. U.S.D.A. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation grant to analyze determinants of group risk plan participation, 1994-95. ($8.1k) Smith and Baquet.
  57. State of Montana Public Health and Human Services grant to evaluate approaches to assessing effects of anti-smoking policies on cigarette consumption. 1994. ($4.5k) Haynes and Smith.
  58. U.S.D.A. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation grant to analyze the effects of crop insurance purchase decisions on chemical input use in the production of corn, grain sorghum, and milo. 1994-95. ($13.74k) Baquet and Smith.
  59. U.S.D.A. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation grant to analyze the effects of insurance on chemical input use. 1993-94. ($13.75k) Smith and Baquet.
  60. Montana Wheat and Barley Committee grant to analyze the economic effects of area yield crop insurance pilot programs. 1993. ($18k) Smith, Baquet, Watts, Atwood.
  61. U.S.D.A. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation grant to analyze crop insurance policy alternatives. 1993. ($60k) Smith, Baquet, Watts, Atwood. 63. U.S.D.A. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation grant to analyze determinants of crop insurance purchases. 1992. ($40k) Smith, Baquet, Watts, Atwood.
  62. Montana Wheat and Barley Committee grant to investigate the economic implications of crop insurance policy initiatives. 1991-92. ($15k) Smith, Baquet, Watts, Atwood.
  63. National Science Foundation MONTS competitive grant to examine economic depreciation and the effects of changes in the tax structure. 1990-91. ($10.15k) Smith and Atwood.
  64. A.P. Sloan Foundation Travel Grant. 1991. ($0.9k) Smith.
  65. Montana State University Instructional Development Grant to introduce innovations in the undergraduate course on the Economics of Agricultural Policy. 1991. ($1.2k) Smith.
  66. Montana Wheat and Barley Committee Grant to investigate the Economics of Crop Insurance. 1990-91. ($15k)
  67. Area Health Education Center Grant to examine the Economics of Philanthropy. 1991. ($1k) Smith.
  68. A.P. Sloan Foundation Grant to prepare monograph on the Economics of Technical Change. 1989-90. ($6k) Smith.
  69. A.P. Sloan Foundation Research Grant to support work on the economics of technical change in health care, 1988-89. ($3k) Smith.
  70. A.P. Sloan Foundation Grant for development of innovations in the new liberal arts curriculum. 1986. ($15k) Bronzino, Smith and Wade.
  71. A.P. Sloan Foundation Grant for the development of innovations in the new liberal arts curriculum. Grant to organize and direct an eleven-part series on technology and medicine. 1985. ($55k) Bronzino, Smith and Wade.
  72. University of Richmond Faculty Research Grant to support research on the behavior of international markets for coffee and tea, 1978. ($0.5k) Smith.


While at Montana State University, three courses with an international focus have been developed: Follow the Grain and Conception to Consumption are capstone courses, with student scholarships funded through an industry-supported endowment, examine the global grain and livestock industries from their use of bench science to international marketing. During these courses, which are now a permanent feature of the curriculum, students have travel to other countries (for example, China, Taiwan, France, Ireland, Italy, the United Kingdom, Argentina and Australia) to understand experientially the structure of those industries in a global environment. The third course, Money and Music (co-taught with a professor from the music department), is an honors program initiative examines the evolution of music (and music composition) from socio-economic, technological change, and musicological innovation perspectives in a specific country, which students then visit to carry out research projects. In addition, an Economics Scholarship Seminar course has been established (now being offered for the 20th year) and an honors Introduction to Economics course has been instituted.


Since 1994, an annual average of more than 15 extension outreach programs have been presented across the state of Montana and nationally in collaboration with extension specialists. The targeted audiences have included agricultural producers, agricultural commodity groups, business leaders, American Indian educators, state legislators, and Congressional delegations. The program areas addressed include:

  • Agricultural commodity market outlooks
  • Agricultural commodity policy
  • Crop, livestock and whole farm insurance
  • Agricultural trade policy
  • World wheat markets
  • State trading enterprises
  • Rural poverty
  • Energy policy and agriculture
  • Economic Growth in China and Implications for Montana’s Economy
  • Federal and state crop insurance programs
  • Economic education in the secondary school systems
  • Economics of traffic safety legislation
  • Teaching economics in Montana high schools (through the Montana Council on Economic Education)

In addition, as co-director of the Agricultural Marketing Center (since 2000), responsible for funding and organizing several outreach conferences and numerous outreach publications, as well as establishing and organizing the MSU College of Agriculture Annual Agricultural Outlook Conference, initiated in 2007 and now sponsored by external private sector and agricultural organizations. As a member of the Montana Council on Economic Education (with Myles Watts and the Director of the Montana Council on Economic Education), since 2002, co-organizer of, and participant in program delivery in twelve conferences and workshops on economic education in the Montana High Schools.


  • AAEA Nominating Committee (2014-2017)
  • Member, Montana State University College of Agriculture Promotion and Tenure Committee (2014-2017).
  • Member, Montana State University, University Honors Program Committee, 2010-2014
  • Co-Director, American Enterprise Institute 2012 Farm Bill Initiative, 2010-date
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2009-2012
  • Member, American Agricultural Economics Association Committee for the AAEA Outstanding Master's Thesis Award, 2009
  • Member, Western Agricultural Economics Association Committee for the 2009 Distinguished Scholar Award, 2009
  • Member, Western Agricultural Economics Association Committee for the 2007 Outstanding Research Award, 2008.
  • Chair, Western Agricultural Economics Association Committee for the 2007 Outstanding Master's Thesis Award, 2007.
  • Member, Montana State University President’s One Committee to review University Athletic recruiting and student athlete academic support programs.
  • Co-Chair, 2006 International Agricultural Economics Association Triennial Meetings Poster Session Selection Committee, 2004-2006
  • Member Montana State University Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2005-2008
  • Member Montana University System Task Force on Grade Transfers, 2005
  • Chair, Montana State University Academic Athletic Committee, October 2002- December 2007
  • Member, Department Advisory Committee, September 2003 – 2005.
  • Member, Montana State University Academic Athletic Committee, January 2002-Ocotber 2002
  • Chair, Department Resident Instruction Committee, 1999-present.
  • Chair, Western Agricultural Economics Association Awards Committee, 2002
  • Co-Chair, American Agricultural Economics Association One Day Conference on NAFTA and the 2002 Farm Bill, 2001.
  • Member, College of Agriculture Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1998-2001.
  • At Large Member, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics Advisory and Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1999-2001, 2007-2009.
  • Chair, American Agricultural Economics Association ESIRC Task Force on Rural Data Needs, 1998-2000.
  • Chair, Committee for the Selection of the Western Agricultural Economics Association annual award for outstanding published research in agricultural economics, 2001 and 1997.
  • Chaired Selected Paper Session, Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, August 1997.
  • Chair, American Agricultural Economics Association Committee on Economic Data and Information Retrieval, 1994-98.
  • Chair, Organizing Committee for the Montana State University Trade Research Symposium on The Economics of World Wheat Markets, 1996-97.
  • Member, U.S.D.A. Western Region Pesticide Impact Assessment Grants Award Committee, 1997.
  • Chair, Organizing Committee for the IFPRI Symposium on Measuring the Benefits of PolicyOriented Social Science Research, 1996-97.
  • Member, Department Committee for Resident Instruction, 1995-96, 1997.
  • Member, Montana State University Library Committee, 1995-98
  • Member, Information Services Task Force (an MSU Presidential task force), 1994-95
  • National Science Foundation Review Panelist for the NSF Program on Cost Reducing Health Care Technologies, 1993.
  • Member, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics Advisory and Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1993-94.
  • Member, College of Agriculture Search Committee for the Associate Dean and Director of the Experiment Station, 1992-93.
  • Departmental Representative for the University Library Committee, 1988-1994.
  • Member, American Agricultural Economics Association Committee on Economic Data and Information Retrieval, 1991-1994. This committee sets national priorities for data collection for the American Agricultural Association and also develops and reviews federal government policies that impact on the collection and retrieval of agricultural and food consumption data.
  • Member, College of Agriculture Ad Hoc Committee to examine the feasibility of the establishment of a Center for Bison Studies, 1993  Chair and Organizer, Agricultural Economics and Economics Seminar Program, 1992-94.
  • Member, Agricultural Economics and Economics Department Curriculum Review Committee, 1992-93. This committee redesigned the introductory requirements for the undergraduate curriculum.
  • Chair, Agricultural Economics and Economics Department Undergraduate Scholarship Committee, 1989-1994 and member, 1995-97
  • Advisor to the Montana Grain Growers Association's Committee on Agricultural Policy, 1991- 1992.
  • Member, Dean's Ad Hoc Committee on Core Curriculum Reform, College of Letters and Science, 1988-1989.
  • Chaired Selected Paper Session, Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, August 1989.
  • Reviewed manuscripts for American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Review of Agricultural Economics, European Review of Agricultural Economics, The Manchester School, The Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, and the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.


  • American Agricultural Economics Association
  • Western Agricultural Economics Association
  • Australian Agricultural Economics Association


  • French and German