MSU Retirees & Associates

Our Mission Statement

It is the mission of the MSURA to advance retirees by fostering strong connections amongst our community retirees and to Montana State University and its resources. With a focus on strong community ties, wellbeing and continued learning, the MSU Retirees & Associates advances both our retiree community as well as Montana State University.

How do we fulfill our mission?

The MSURA operates as a non-dues paying organization and informs, connects and advocates for all retirees. MSURA encourages continued engagement with the University and colleagues by providing opportunities for retirees to gather together through diverse social, cultural, educational and intellectual programs. MSURA also seeks to provide pertinent information for retirees on privileges, finances, benefits, health insurance and pre-retirement planning.

How to Join

To join the MSURA, click the link below and complete the online form.

you can download the PDF Sign Up Form and send the completed form to Becky Bailey:

Via Mail:
ATTN: Becky Bailey
1501 S 11th Ave
Bozeman, MT 59715
Becky Bailey

Upcoming Events

MSU Retirees & Associates Donations

The MSURA greatly appreciates donations to continue to provide quality information and programming to retirees.