The MSU Innovation Campus is a collision space for partnerships among industry and MSU researchers, opportunities for student internships and employment, and a hub for collaborative innovation that fuels economic development in Montana & beyond.

Innovation Campus map


Innovation Campus unit identifier In the past year, MSUIC has:
  • Celebrated a ribbon cutting at the opening of the 78,000 sq. ft. Aurora building in December 2024. The 88,000 sq. ft.EngineWorks building, home of the AFRL sponsored Quantum Core with three quantum computers, will open in the first quarter of 2025.
  • Completed a rezoning of the campus to B-2.
  • Completed a Planned Development Zone process which will allow for denser development of the campus through significant relaxations in the allowable building height and required parking. 
  • Begun construction of Quantum Core offices/labs within the Engineworks building. 
  • Begun a collaborative planning process with MSU for campus signage.