Meetings occur on the second Wednesday of every month from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.  

Date Location Agenda
02-12-2025 Reid Hall 101 Agenda
07-10-2024 Norm Asbjornson Hall 329 Agenda
06-12-2024 Microsoft Teams Agenda
04-10-2024 Barnard Hall 126 Agenda
01-10-2024 Jabs Hall 305 Agenda
11-8-2023 Romney Hall 315 Agenda
09-12-2023 American Indian Hall 166 Agenda
05-10-2023 WebEx Agenda
03-08-2023 WebEx Agenda
02-08-2023 Webex Agenda
10-12-2022 WebEx Agenda
08-10-2022 WebEx Agenda
05-11-2022 WebEx Agenda
03-09-2022 Cruzado Auditorium Agenda
11-10-2021 WebEx Agenda
10-13-2021 WebEx Agenda
08-11-2021 WebEx Agenda
06-09-2021 WebEx Agenda
05-12-2021 WebEx Agenda
03-10-2021 WebEx Agenda
02-10-2021 WebEx Agenda
01-13-2021 WebEx Agenda
12-09-2020 WebEx   Agenda
10-14-2020 WebEx Agenda
09-09-2020 WebEx Agenda 
07-08-2020 WebEx  Agenda
06-10-2020 WebEx Agenda 
05-13-2020 WebEx Agenda
04-08-2020 WebEx Agenda
02-12-2020 NAH 337 Agenda
12-11-2019 Harrison Hall 115 Agenda
11-13-2019 Harrison Hall 115 Agenda
10-09-2019 Plew Building 214 Agenda
09-11-2019 Harrison Hall 115 Agenda
08-14-2019 NAH 321 Agenda
06-12-2019 NAH 321 Agenda
05-08-2019 Wilson Hall 2-111 Agenda
03-13-2019 Facilities Meeting Quonset Agenda
02-13-2019 Facilities Meeting Quonset Agenda
01-9-2019 Roberts Hall 208 Agenda
12-12-2018 Facilities Meeting Quonset Agenda
11-14-2018 Facilities Meeting Quonset Agenda
10-10-2018 Facilities Meeting Quonset Agenda
09-12-2018 Reid Hall 332 Agenda
08-08-2018 Facilities Meeting Quonset Agenda
06-13-2018 Facilities Meeting Quonset Agenda
05-09-2018 Facilities Meeting Quonset Agenda
04-11-2018  Facilities Meeting Quonset  Agenda
03-21-2018   Facilities Meeting Quonset Agenda
02-14-2018   Wilson Hall 1-124 Agenda