Graduate Professional Scholarly Project and Committee Membership
Subject: Academic Affairs
Policy: Graduate Professional Scholarly Project and Committee Membership
Revised: January 2021, April 2024
Effective date: Fall 2021
Review date: Spring 2027
Responsible Party: Level I: GAAC; Level II: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Introduction and Purpose: MRJCON graduate students complete a scholarly professional project to meet the degree requirements as outlined by the MSU Graduate School.
Policy: College of Nursing MN and DNP program utilize a two-semester course model to facilitate the design and defense of the professional scholarly project during the final year of the program. MN students enroll in NRSG 575 (4 credits) and DNP students enroll in NRSG 675 (6 credits).
- The graduate student and the scholarly project course faculty will collaborate to
form the student’s committee The committee chair must hold a DNP, EdD, or PhD degree
and be a faculty member in the MRJCON (tenure track or tenured status not required
for DNP committee chair - approved by Graduate Council, 2011).
- MN student committees will consist of a chair/advisor and one qualified member.
- DNP student committees will consist of a chair/advisor and one qualified member.
- Committee membership should reflect knowledge in project content area and methodology. All qualified faculty members may teach in the scholarly project courses.
- The Professional Project Proposal Approval Form (MRJCON form) is to be signed by the committee and on file in the Associate Dean’s office before implementing a project.
- DNP degree (NRSG 675) Professional Project papers must be submitted to The Graduate School for electronic posting (ETD) and archiving in the MSU library.
Internal control considerations, if applicable: N/A