The Friends Buddy Program was established as a trial run project in Fall 2013. Two MSU Alumni experienced similar programs while they were abroad. They loved the guidance, friendships, and help they received and decided to initiate their own program at MSU. Each semester we pair MSU students with incoming international and exchange students. We provide you with their contact information and from there the club is driven by your outreach and the needs of your buddy.

To be a Buddy you must be willing and able to do the following:

  • Commit to emailing your buddy 2-3 weeks before their arrival
  • If you are able: attend International Student Oriention the week before school starts 
  • Invite your buddy to like the Facebook Page
  • Answer questions or concerns they may have about MSU, Bozeman.
  • Set up a coffee meet-up with your buddy shortly after they arrive (we provide free coffee coupons)
  • Be willing to offer assistance such as, but not limited to, help buying books, giving a campus tour, taking them to Walmart to buy supplies, or moving into their new room
  • Attend the Rec Center Party during the first month of the semester
  • Participate in the off-campus events (not required, but encouraged)

You are signing up to help and support the students while they adjust to Bozeman and MSU Life. If you have any questions, please email

Please note: This program is not a dating service, church group, or outlet for evangelism.

 denotes required fields.

Basic Information
Please provide the best email for your buddy to contact you.
Additional Information
Would you prefer to be paired with a Buddy from a specific country or region?
List a couple activities or hobbies you would like to do with your buddy.
What are the activities that you are most interested in sharing with your buddy?
By typing your name, you are verifying that all information provided is accurate and truthful and you are agreeing to allow this information to be released to your assigned Buddy.