Added Endorsements

Congratulations adding an endorsement to your existing Montana Class 1 or 2 teaching license!  

The process to add an endorsement begins with contacting the Field Placement Office at to inquire about your options. They will help you to determine your eligibility for added endorsement options. As part of this process you will complete the Licensure Endorsement Assessment Process

MSU offers the following endorsement areas: 

  • Agricultural Education
  • Art
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Earth Science
  • Economics
  • Elementary Education *Online available through MAT
  • English Extended Major
  • Family and Consumer Sciences  *Online available 
  • French
  • General Science Broadfield
  • German
  • Government
  • Health Enhancement
  • History
  • Library Media Science *Online available 
  • Math 
  • Music
  • Physics
  • Reading K-12
  • Social Studies Broadfield
  • Spanish
  • Technology Education

Added Endorsements and the OPI Teaching Endorsement Internship Pathway

At MSU we value the opportunity to support currently licensed Montana Teachers in adding teaching endorsement. We do so through the OPI Teaching Endorsement Internship pathway (formerly known as BPE Internship). 

The Teaching Endorsement Internship and added endorsements requires all coursework to be completed within three years while making adequate yearly progress (minimum of six credits per year completed). The program requires participation from you and your employing administrator throughout the duration of the Internship engagement, as well as both Fall and Spring enrollment and participation in CEEX 280 (unless enrolled in the coordinated FCS graduate program, Elementary Education MAT endorsement track, or Library Media Certification program).

This program requires a commitment to participation. 

Teaching Endorsement Internship MSU Program Page 

Candidates for our Teaching Endorsement Internship Internship route will work under the guidelines of our Teaching Endorsement Internship Information Page. Please access this page here: