Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better BalanceĀ®
The Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better BalanceĀ® (TJQMBB) program is a research-based balance training regimen designed for older adults at risk of falling and people with balance disorders.
Fuzhong Li, Ph.D., a Senior Scientist at Oregon Research Institute, developed the program. Learn more about Dr. Li and the Oregon Research Institute.
The TJQMBB program represents a significant paradigm shift in the application of Tai Ji Quan, shifting the focus from its historical use as a martial art or recreational activity to propagating health by addressing common, but potentially debilitating, functional impairments/deficits. Visit the TJQMBB website to learn more.
To explore some of the research on this program (including how TJQMBB can help increase motor function and reduce fall risks) please visit the TJQMBB website publications page.
Details of the Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better BalanceĀ® (TJQMBB) program taught by MSU Extension
- What: A 6-month class designed for older adults (both men and women) who want to improve their balance and decrease their risk of falling. The class meets twice per week for 1 hour.
- Where: Numerous counties across Montana hold Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance classes. Please contact your local MSU Extension county office for more information.
- Cost: Cost for the classes depends on the instructor, though range between $0 - $50
- Experience: No experience necessary; however, participants are asked to fill out a health questionnaire prior to enrollment and may have to acquire physician consent.
Please contact your local MSU Extension county office to see if this class is available.