The Nelson/Swanson 4-H Memorial Scholarship is being offered to graduating seniors who are members of a ValIey County 4-H Club and will be attending any accredited college, university or vocational school of their choice.   The Scholarship will be granted on the applicant's ability to keep records accurately as illustrated in their 4-H Record Books, plus meeting the requirements stated in the rules below.  


  1. The applicant must be in his/her senior year of high school and have been enrolled as a member since the 8th­grade. The applicant must have successfully completed four continuous years of 4-H work and be enrolled in 4-H at the time of his /her application. They must also have 3 years of Gold Seals. (Since the 8th grade).  The senior year will be reviewed by the N/S committee for a gold seal.  The senior year gold seal is required.

  2. The applicant must have at least a 2.0 gpa for the high school years and must enclose a current grade transcript from their high school.
  3. Letter of recommendation from one club leader who verifies meeting attendance and club participation.
  4. The applicant can apply for the scholarship if he/she is planning to enter an accredited college, university or vocational school as a freshman. The school is not limited to Montana. The college major does not have to be related to 4-H projects
  5. The applicant's ability to keep records is a criterion for this scholarship. Please bring your completed record book into the office on or before August 26, 2024.   Books will be reviewed by the N/S Scholarship Committee no later than August 30, 2024.
  6. Prepare a statement in your own handwriting on the back of the application expressing what impact 4-H has had on your life using examples and how this will help you achieve your future goals.  Write about your college plans including the area of study you plan to pursue and why you have chosen this field.
  7. The Livestock Committee will determine the scholarship amount.
  8. The applicant must use the scholarship within two (2) years or he/she will forfeit the scholarship. If the money is not used, the money will remain in the Scholarship Fund. Scholarship checks will be written in the name of the school they are enrolled in upon receipt of student ID #.
  9. Deadline: May 1, 2025 the following items are due in the Extension Office: handwritten application, letter of recommendation and current high school grade transcript. 
    Your completed recordbook will be due by August 15, 2025.
  10. Scholarship funds will be sent directly to the financial aid office of each students chosen college before November of their current semester and will be available to the students for spring semester of their freshman year.



Completed Record Book - What Does it Include?

1.    My 4-H Year – to include:

  • Completed cover sheet including a photograph of yourself
  • List of at least three (3) goals and did you reach them?
  • Committees and office summary
  • Demonstrations, Public Speeches, Illustrated Talks Etc.
  • Activities & Events listed (must include three – four 4-H activities)

2.  Project Records filled in (minimum of at least 1 project)

  • Three (3) goals for the 4-H year.  (Note: per project carried).
  • Forms completed on all four pages.
  • Feed records and/or financial records


Three years of Gold Seals required out of four years

starting with the 8th Grade through your Junior year

 and gold seal required Senior year.

Example - minimum requirement gold seals

8th Grade




Senior required

YES - Seal


YES - Seal

YES – Seal

YES – Seal