On the Horizon

December 1

  • Deadline to re-enroll for the 4-H 2024-2025 year in ZSuite

December 2

  • Livestock Committee Meeting, New Life Church, Fairfield, 6 p.m.

December 13

  • Deadline to register for Citizenship Seminar/Legislative Breakfast, Friday, Extension Office
  • Deadline to register for Baking Project Day with Conservation Grains, Friday, Extension Office

January 6

  • Council Meeting, Greenfield School hosted by Prairie Stars, 6 p.m.

January 14

  • Market Beef Possession Deadline:  paperwork, fees at Extension Office, Tuesday, 5 p.m.

January 15-16

  • KMON Livestock & Poultry Judging, Great Falls

January 17-19

  • Montana Winter Fair, Lewistown


Rock Your Record Book

Last month we talked about your “My 4-H Year” goals....now let’s talk about PROJECT GOALS!

Think of 3 project goals per project.It’s easy!

Just think aboutwhat you are going to do(the Action),what it will look like(the Result), andwhen you will finish (Timeline).

Project Goals
Goal Examples
Goal 1
1. Spend time with my steer
getting him gentle
3 times per week.
Goal 2
2. Train my steer
to lead and load
by April 1, 2025.
Goal 3
3. Calculate
my feed costs
by Fair.
Goal 1
1. Memorize
the parts of the camera
by January 15, 2025.
Goal 2
2. Take photos of my grandparents
using natural light
by May 1, 2025.
Goal 3
3. Use photography project book scorecard (p. 79)
to choose four best photos to exhibit
one week before Fair.

Hot Tip: Using a “sloppy copy” of your record book! You can cross out, change your wording, and correct spelling on the sloppy copy throughout the year.Before you turn in your record book, make a final, clean copy to submit.

Agent's Corner:  Things on the Horizon!
By Jenn Swanson

Market Animals!

Possession Deadlines for Market Animal Projects:

  • Beef:Jan 14 (Tuesday) by 5 pm
  • Swine:Apr 1 (Tuesday) by 5 pm (no fooling!)
  • Lamb & Goat:Apr 8 (Tuesday) by 5 pm

Market Animal paperwork will be mailed in early December - watch your post box!

Remember that each market animal member must attend at least one in-county, in-person livestock quality assurance (LQA) meeting per season.Each species superintendent will lead one or more LQAs.

4-H Achievement Day!

Mark your calendars now!

Teton County’s 4-H Achievement Daywill be Oct 7, 2025,during National 4-H Week!

Tentative Agenda:

  • Banquet and Social from 5 to 6 pm
  • Awards from 6 to 7 pm (including 2025 Carcass, Record Book, Communications, and special Club awards -each club can present their own 2 wacky or serious awards! )
  • Breakout sessions from 7 to 8 pm (learning sessions for new families, club leaders, and volunteers.)

New 4-H Year, New Opportunities!

by Shelby Jones-Dozier, FCS & 4-H Agent

The new 4-H year is off to a great start. We have had a steady stream of registrations completed on Z-Suite. A huge thank you to those that completed their registration by October 31, 2024, your project books are on the way! Once you get your new project book, it is a great time to start thinking about your goals. Make sure to check out the Rock Your Record Book section of the newsletter for great ideas to develop your goals.

Speaking of goals! Please complete the 4-H program survey as soon as possible. By taking a few minutes to share your experience with Teton County 4-H you will play a significant role in shaping goals for our program in future years. Your club leaders have been mailed paper copies of the survey, a poster with a QR code to complete the survey electronically, or you can click the link below to access the survey directly from the newsletter.

There are two great opportunities for our 4-Hers:

For 4-Hers 14 and up, consider joining the Teton County team to meet with the new 2025 Montana State Legislators for the Legislative Breakfast in Helena. Participating in this program will give you the opportunity to meet other 4-Hers from across the state, learn how to share your ideas with your state legislators, and take a tour of the state capital in Helena. Call the Extension Office to reserve your spot on the team by Friday, December 13, 2024.

For 4-Hers enrolled in any level of the baking project, I am excited to announce that our local flour producer- Conservation Grains owner, Judy Cornell will host a baking project day. On Sunday, January 5, 2025 at 2 p.m. she will open the doors to her flour mill to share with you how flour is made. There will be several hands-on activities to learn about different types of flour and the science behind baking. Space is limited, please call the Extension Office by Friday, December 13, 2024 to save your spot for an exciting day of learning and meet other youth from around the county.

Take a survey and help us learn about our 4-H program.

Please Consider Joining a 4-H Committee this 4-H Year!

Join a Committee

Teton County 4-H Committees
Teton County 4-H Committee
# of Members
(Suggested Minimum)

Standing Committees

Budget & Audit
Develops and then recommends to the   4-H Council an annual budget, which       is voted on at 4-H Council
Meets 1-2 times each year in late Summer and/or Fall

4-H Council Treasurer,

1 agent,

1 adult member,

1 youth member

Communications Day
Promotes development of members’ skills in giving demonstrations and presentation, via training sessions and participation in local, statewide, and/or national competitions/events
Meets 1-2 times each year in Fall and/or Winter, to plan Teton County’s Communications Day in March

1 agent,

1-2 adult members,

1-2 youth members

Designates annual Fair theme, creates the schedule of Fair activities, develops the Fair publicity plan

Meets 1-2 times each year in Spring, to plan Teton County’s 4-HFair in June


1 or 2 adult members,

1 or 2 youth members

Designates annual awards plan for 4-H competitions; may be the same members and meet at the same time as the Fair Committee

Meets 1-2 times each year in Spring, to plan Teton County’s 4-HFair in June

1 agent,

1 or 2 adult members,

1 or 2 youth members

Attends to livestock project areas including animal husbandry education, livestock quality assurance education, safety and rules regarding the 4-H Livestock Sale and Carcass Competition

Meets on the first Monday of every other month

(Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug)

Ag agent,

Officers (Pres, VP, Treasurer, Secretary), livestock superintendents,

1 or more adult members,

1 or more youth members

Horse Committee
Oversees equine education events, rules, regulations and safety of 4-H horse-related events and contests – in the case of an active horse project club, may be comprised of the horse project club members

Meets 3 to 4 times per year, or as needed

Horse project club leader,

1 or more adult members,

1 or more youth members



Overseestextile educational events, offerings and competitions


Meets 1 or 2 times per year, in Fall and/or Spring

1 agent,

1 or 2 adult members,

1 or 2 youth members

Special Committees
Meat & Greet

Plans and coordinates the annual 4-H Fair “Meat and Greet” celebration for all 4-H Families and Fair attendees

Meets 2 or 3 times per year, in Spring prior to Teton County’s 4-H Fair in June

1 agent,

1 or 2 adult members,

1 or 2 youth members


Currently inactive; will activate when needed.An active committee is not needed to enroll in the Exchange project.

Meets only as need to review Exchange policy

Ad hoc

Teton County 4-H Year

Montana 4-H Events to Remember 
October 1, 2024-September 30, 2025
Teton County
State & National
  • Livestock Committee Meeting (1st Monday)
  • National 4-H Weed (1st Full Week)
  • 4-H Enrollment Begins (October 1)
  • 4-H Club Meetings/Start New Year
  • Treasurer Reports (Clubs and Committees) due by Oct 31
  • 4-H  Council meeting (1st Monday)
  • 4-H Enrollment Continues:  Extension office orders project manuals, free
  • 4-H Fall Leadership Training for Teens and Ambassadors in Billings, Nov 1-3
  • Monthly Online Leadership Academy Begins Nov 17
  • Livestock Committee meeting (1st Monday)
  • Re-Enrollment deadline is Dec 1 ($25 late fee and purchase own project manuals after December 1st)
  • National 4-H Congress (invite only, from State 4-H Congress)
  • 4-H Council Meeting (1st Monday)
  • Camp Counselor Application due January 31, 2025
  • Ambasador Application due January 31, 2025
  •  National 4-h Congress (In vite only, from State 4-H Congress)
  • Livestock Committee meeting (1st Monday)
  • Clubs host their Club-level Communications Day
  • 4-H Camp Counselor Planning Meeting #1
Volunteer Institute
  • 4-H Council meeting (1st Monday)
  • Clubs host their Club-level Communications Day
  • Livestock Quality Assurance (LQA) Workshops
  • 4-H Camp Counselor Planning Meeting #2
  • Scholarship Applications Due on 31st: Anne Wiprud ($400) and Boe Brothers Foundation ($2,000; $5,000; and $10,000)
  • 4-H Recreation “Rec” Lab (March or April, TBD)
  • Livestock Committee meeting (1st Monday)
  • 4-H Camp Counselor Planning Meeting #3
  • County level Communications Day which will include Stir-Ups, Fashion Revue, and Western Heritage Persona Interviews
  • 4-H Council meeting (1st Monday)
  • LQA and Showmanship Workshops/Weigh-ins
  • 4-H Camp Counselor Planning Meeting #4
  • Fair Registration Deadline on May 21 (Wed before Memorial Day)
  • Livestock Committee meeting (1st Monday)
  • 4-H Camp Counselor Retreat
  • Teton County Fair Jun 24-Jun 29 (Wed: Static Exhibit and Interview Judging, Thu: Fashion Revue, Fri-Sat: Livestock Show and Sale)
  • 4-H Congress registration by June 15
  • Summer 2025 Outbound Exchange
  • No 4-H Council meeting in July
  • 4-H Camp
  • 4-H Congress in Bozeman
  • Summer Outbound Exchange
  • Livestock Committee meeting (1st Monday)
  • State Western Heritage State Shoot
  • 4-H Council meeting (Monday after Labor Day)
  • MT 4-H Working Ranch Horse Show
  • MT 4-H State Horse Show

View Teton County MSU Extension Calendar for Up-to-Date Information

View 4-H State and National Calendar for Up-to-Date Information

2025 Teton County Club Rotations

More deatiled information will be sent to each club as we get closer to fair season.

Old Agency=Fair Set Up & Clean Up

Challenging Champs=Fair Facility Management & Hospitality

Spring Creek=Static Exhibit Set Up

Eager Eagles=Buyer's Appreciation Meal:  Meat & Greet

Prairie Stars=Camp Clean Up

Monthly Online Leadership Academy

Join the Montana 4-H Leadership Academy workshop series on Sunday afternoons in the 2024- 2025 4-H year. Each month, the Ambassador Officer Team will present a different workshop topic that they have found to be important as they have developed their own leadership abilities. The leadership academy is for Montana 4-H members interested in exploring and developing their own leadership skills while serving their county 4-H program in new ways. The workshop content is considered beginner level for emerging leaders. Members with more leadership experience may find this to be a review and should consider mentoring younger members just starting out in leadership activities before or after these workshops. Visit the website to register for the workshop series and receive the Zoom link. Sunday Trainings at 3:00 PM: December 15, 2024, January 12, 2025,February 9, 2025, and March 16, 2025.

Club Commotion

Challenging Champs

On November 3rd, the Challenging Champs club members went door to door in Power and collected 280 pounds of non-perishables for our Teton County Food Bank. 

4-H Council Seeking New Officers!

4-H council is seeking a new secretary for 2025-2027.Our treasurer position will be vacant later this year and we are seeking a treasurer-in-training to work with Rachael Christensen to learn the ropes!Please contact the Extension Office to learn more.

Greytak Calendars

We still have some 2024 North 40 10% Discount cards that can be used for 4-H project livestock animal feed and show supplements. Please contact the office to get your card if you already have an animal. The 2025 cards will arrive in December. All cards need to be signed by the 4-H member and their club leader.

North 40 Discount Cards

We still have some 2024 North 40 10% Discount cards that can be used for 4-H project livestock animal feed and show supplements. Please contact the office to get your card if you already have an animal. The 2025 cards will arrive in December. All cards need to be signed by the 4-H member and their club leader.

Sign Up!

Re-enrollment for 4-H will begin October 1 on ZSuite.Club leader(s) will have Clover Selection project guides for members to get more information on projects. The deadline for re-enrollment is December 1.

When 4-H youth re-enroll before December 1:

  • Project books will be ordered for you by the office
    • The first project book order will be placed in late October
    • A second project book order will be placed in early December
  • Project books will be paid for by 4-H Council
  • You can sign up for and participate in committees
  • You will receive information from the MSU Extension Office in Teton County

IF you re-enroll after December 1 you:

  • Must complete a variance request form, stating why you were unable to re-enroll by December 1
  • Must order and pay for your own project books
  • Cannot serve on 4-H committees
  • Must pay a $25 per member late fee
  • Will not receive any correspondence from MSU Extension Teton County until you are re-enrolled

Your club member dues must be paid before you are "active" and receive the above benefits.

4-H Council Budget

Please contact the office for a copy of the 2024-2025 budget to review.

Citizenship Seminar 2025

Citizens in Action Event

Register now for Montana 4-H Citizenship Seminar Event

January 19-21, 2025, in Helena, Montana

For Montana 4-H members 14 and older.

Get ready to connect with 4-Hers from across the state at the 2025 Montana 4-H Citizenship Seminar! This unique experience offers an inside look at democratic government and the chance to engage with program highlights that make it unforgettable. While everyone may feel a mix of excitement and curiosity, you'll find yourself growing alongside peers and adults alike. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet elected officials and leave a memorable impression as a proud representative of 4-H!

Find out more about the Montana Citizenship Seminar.

MSU Extension Teton County

Fair Dates

The Teton County Fair is scheduled for the last full weekend in June that includes a Sunday.
2025    June 24-29
2026    June 22-28

Camp Dates

2025   July 22-24

4-H Congress Dates, Bozeman

2025   July 8-11
2026   July 7-10


MSU Extension Teton County
P.O. Box 130
Choteau, MT 59422


Shelby Jones-Dozier shelby.jonesdozier@montana.edu
Jenn Swanson  jenn.swanson@montana.edu


JoAnn McDowell & Jamie Smith  teton@montana.edu

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director, Extension Service, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717