Montana 4-H has proudly partnered with NorthernAg Network and Northern News Network to highlight the contributions and accomplishments of 4-H members across the state.  

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Living the 4-H Principles

Each month, three members are selected from across Montana (western, central, and eastern) for the 4-H Member Spotlight. Youth are nominated because they exemplify the principles of 4-H:

Head –  

4-H'ers demonstrate learning and an aptitude for personal growth in their 4-H projects or in other capacities. They use this mindset to better themselves, their club, community, country, or world. 

Heart –  

4-H'ers demonstrate leadership, loyalty, and the six Pillars of Character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship) for themselves, their club, community, country, or world. 

Hands –  

4-H'ers act as informed citizens: They give to others in their club and community to serve their community, country, or world. 

Health –  

4-H'ers demonstrate dedication to maintaining mental and physical health as well as the health of their club, community, country, or world. 



Montana 4-H Foundation


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Proudly Sponsored by:

Montana 4-H Foundation

Par Montana


4-H Member Spotlights: October 2024

We are proud of the learning, leadership, service, and citizenship these Montana 4-H youth exemplify as they enrich our Montana communities.  

Please join us in celebrating their accomplishments. 


Kennedy Lyson riding her horse

Kennedy Lyson

Eastern Region

Kennedy trains and shows her own horses, which is both a challenging and rewarding process. When an opportunity arises to go to a clinic or ask questions, she is the first one to step up. Watching her learn to do something new, turn around and apply it is truly something to see. 

Kennedy has organized several equine events both in and out of 4-H. For the past two years, she has helped facilitate a 4-H horse judging day that functions as both a practice for the current judging teams and an invitation for first-time participants to become engaged. She has been involved in similar planning committees in FFA. She and her mother manage a local horse show circuit that specializes in being a family-friendly learning environment. 

Multiple times, Kennedy has passed along her own horse to another 4-H member, allowing them to show. Occasionally it means that she goes without showing or participating in an event, but she does it willingly. Kennedy truly wants everyone to have the same opportunities she has been offered, which makes her a true leader and role model. 

Kennedy demonstrates a positive attitude. Sometimes showing young horses can be tough, but Kennedy does not let that stop her from pushing forward and showing younger and older 4-H members alike how to look at the bright side. She has overcome some amazing odds to be where she is today, and continues to be a role model for all ages. 

Bethany Secor and her rabbit

Bethany Secor

Central Region

Bethany is an outstanding member of her 4-H community and is involved in 4-H shooting sports (air rifle), cat, rabbit, and baking projects. She actively seeks answers to questions and uses her ability to help as an opportunity to learn, even for projects in which she’s not enrolled. 

Bethany developed her leadership abilities as the 2023-2024 Club Vice President. She has also took on the role of committee president when planning the county-wide year-end celebration. She is usually the first to volunteer to help and loves to participate in community events that highlight her 4-H community. 

Bethany aims to aid members of her club and community in any way they deem necessary. During fair, Beth collaborates with her club and friends in other clubs to maintain clean workspaces. As a local Girl Scouts member, Bethany has worked on learning signs of mental health distress, how to help, and how to seek adult intervention. 

Annie Keyes and her sheep

Annie Keyes

Western Region

Annie Keyes demonstrates learning by doing! This girl is a mover, shaker, and fabulous role model for younger members of her club and project areas, which include sheep, baking, photography, teen leadership, sewing, and shooting sports (air rifle). 

At 4-H camp, Annie guided younger 4-H members through bouts of homesickness with upmost responsibility and care. Whenever an issue at camp was beyond her role as counselor, she came and got an adult chaperone, demonstrating great respect. Despite her involvement in basketball, FFA, and other commitments, she is a loyal 4-H member and serves as president in her 4-H club, attends club meetings, and stays up late with campers during camp. Annie is the kind of teen leader all 4-H Agents hope to have. 

She is consistent, fair, and emotionally intelligent. Annie listens intently and collaborates with adult leaders and other teen leaders in Park County to promote positive youth development within the sheep project and 4-H camp. 


4-H Member Spotlight with green 4-H four-leaf clover



You are welcome to nominate more than one 4-H member;complete the form once per nominee.