FY2024 EHHD Grant Activity Summary


College of Education, Health and Human Development FY2024 Expenditures

(Expenditure numbers provided by MSU Office of Sponsored Programs)

Academic Unit Expenditures
College of EHHD (as a separate unit) $198,083
Department of Education $1,935,648
Department of Health & Human Development (combined) $4,814,867




FY2024 EHHD Grant SUBMISSIONS by Unit Principal Investigators/Project Directors
Academic Unit Submitted $
EHHD PI-Led Submissions  
Department of Education  * $19,097,285
Department of Counseling * $131,990
Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology * $6,301,601
Department of Human Development & Community Health * $2,579,675
* includes only grants in which EHHD PIs led the grant  
FY2024 Collaborative Grant Submissions  
College of Education, Health & Human Development ** $1,030,259
Department of Education ** $23,939,639
Department of Counseling ** $1,991,083
Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology ** $6,348,797
Department of Human Development & Community Health ** $2,579,675
 **includes partnerships where another department's faculty or another institution leads the grant  




FY2024 EHHD Grant AWARDS by Unit Principal Investigators/Project Directors*
Academic Unit $ Awarded *
College of Education, Health & Human Development  
Department of Education $6,944,610
Department of Counseling


Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology


Department of Human Development & Community Health


*total award dollars for proposals submitted in FY24; includes only grants in which EHHD PIs led the grant

FY2024 EHHD Collaborative Grant Awards with PIs in Other Units**
Academic Unit
$ Awarded **
College of Education, Health & Human Development
Department of Education
Department of Counseling
Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology
Department of Human Development & Community Health

**total award dollars for proposals submitted in FY24; includes partnerships where another department's faculty or another institution leads the grant

FY2024 EHHD-Led and Collaborative Grants Success Rate
Academic Unit
Percentage Success
Department of Education **
Department of Counseling **
Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology **
Department of Human Development & Community Health **

**proposals submitted in FY2024, including partnerships.


FY2024 Submitted Grants that Remain Pending**

Academic Unit

$ Still Pending

Department of Education **
Department of Counseling **
Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology **
Department of Human Development & Community Health **
**proposals submitted in FY24; includes funds proposed through another department or agency



Current Grants 

Includes funds awarded to PIs through another department and submitted in a prior FY

College of EHHD (as a separate Unit) - Currently Funded Projects

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Bird, Elizabeth with Mr. Robbie Magnan (PD), Fort Peck Tribes Fish & Game Director and Michael Everts, MSU School of Architecture Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Trail Stewardship program Pté Bahá Ocą́gu [Nakona - Buffalo Hills] Wamákha?kaŋ?kaŋ [Dakota - All that move on the land] (Buffalo Connections Trail) 6/1/23 - 10/15/25
Bird, Elizabeth with Mr. Robbie Magnan (PD), Fort Peck Tribes Fish & Game Director, Suzi Taylor, MSU SMRC and Michael Everts, MSU School of Architecture National Fish &
Wildlife Foundation

Fort Peck Buffalo Program (MT) – Northern Plains Bison Range Conservation Improvements via Improved Fencing, Technician Skill & Enhanced Forage Quality; Community Access via an Attractive Walking Trail; and Workforce & Economic Development via Public Education Programming and Tourist Access

2/1/24 - 1/31/28
Collins, Julian US Dept of Education MSU-Bozeman TRIO Student Support Services 9/1/20 - 8/31/24
Johnston, Betsy MSU/OIP International Seed Grant Travel to Tunisia to conduct an exploratory visit to plan for a NEW short-term faculty-led study abroad program 12/11/2024- 12/11/2025
Meyer, Joshua US Dept of Education MSU-Bozeman McNair Student Support Services 10/1/23 - 9/30/28
Spence, Mackenzie  Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) and First-Gen Forward 2024 Montana State University First-Generation College Celebration Grant 9/1/24 - 8/31/25







Department of Education - Currently Funded Projects

Principal Investigator & Partners
Funding Agency
Grant Title
Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Chipps, Jeanette
MSU-Equipment Fee Allocation
Science Math Hardware: 15 TI 84 or TI 83  Resource graphing calculators Center Software: Vernier Graphical analysis
8/1/24 - 5/31/25
Downey, Jayne with Kelley Edwards
Training YAM Instructors for Montana 2024
7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Downey, Jayne; with Jenny Luebeck, Math
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Resolving the Rural Teacher Shortage in Montana 2023 (ASPIRE) Renewal
1/1/24 -
Downey, Jane and Kelley Edwards
USDA-NIFA Rural Health & Safety Education
Cultivating Youth Mental Health in Rural and Reservation Communities
9/1/23 - 8/31/26
Downey, Jayne; Kelley Edwards
Bozeman Deaconess Health
Bozeman Health YAM (Youth Aware of Mental Health)
9/1/21 - 6/30/25
Downey, Jayne
Helena Public Schools
Youth Aware of Mental Health Program in Helena
9//1/19 - 6/30/25
Downey, Jayne
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Youth Aware of Mental Health
9/1/24 - 8/31/26
Downey, Jayne
MT Dept of Health & Human Services
Training YAM Instructors for Montana 2024
7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Downey, Jayne
MT Office of Public Instruction
Mentoring for Montana's Teachers
9/27/24 to 6/30/27
Elfreich, Alycia
MSU-Equipment Fee Allocation
Multi-media Multicultural Teacher Professional  Development
8/1/24 - 5/31/25
Elfreich, Alycia and Leslie Rogers
MSU - Scholarship & Creativity
Exploring Inclusive Practices: Relationship Building and Asset Exploration in Rural K-12 Schools and an Institute of Higher Education
5/15/24 - 6/30/25
Hancock, Hailey
Library of Congress
Indian Education for All and the Library of Congress: Uplifting Montana’s Constitutional Commitments
10/1/2024 – 9/30/2025
Hancock, Hailey
Humanities Montana
History Day for All in Montana
10/1/24 - 7/31/25
Hughes, Bryce
Exploring the Participation of LGBTQ Undergraduates in STEM
2/1/2021 - 1/31/2026
Hughes, Bryce with PI. Stephanie Wettstein (Chem/Bio Engineering)
Kern Family Foundation
Accelerating Development an Entrepreneurial Mindset Ecosystem Using Faculty Development and Outcomes Based Research
Luo, Fenqjen
MSU-Scholarship & Creativity
Multi-media Multicultural Teacher Professional  Development
5/15/2024 - 6/30/2025
Luo, Fenqjen [with Suzi Taylor/SMRC,  Paul Gannon (Chemical and Biological Engineering); Jiong Qiu (Physics)]
NSF-EHR - Division Of Undergraduate Education (DUE); Noyce
Rural and American Indian School Educators as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Leaders
6/1/2024 - 5/31/2029
Lux, Nicholas
MSU-Center for Science, Technology Ethics and Society
Intersections of AI, Data Sovereignty, and K-12 education
1/1/2025 - 6/30/2025
Rogers, Leslie with Nadya Modyanova, (MIE), Marcie Reuer, Mosey Hardin et al.
MSU/ORD/Research Collaborative Grant
Meeting students where they are: Discovering and testing neuro-inclusive approaches to STEM education
1/15/25 - 1/14/26
Rogers, Leslie
Montana INBRE Technology Access Grants
Statistical Analysis of Longitudinal Data on School-Home Communication and Evidence-Based Practices
4/1/25 - 3/31/26
Ruff, William with PI Julie Ruff (Nursing)
Gianforte Foundation
Healing through Education, Art and Resilency Teaching (HEART) III
1/1/23 - 3/31/25
Seifert, Tricia
Digital Game for College Success: Prototype to Commercialization 
2/1/24 - 5/31/25
Seifert, Tricia
MT Office of Public Instruction
Tribal Colleges' Enrollment During COVID
3/7/22 - 2/28/25
Seifert, Tricia with Nick Lux and Paul Gannon (CBE)
OPI Extended/Expanded Learning Opportunity
Language Games for English Gains
1/1/24 - 8/31/25
Taylor, Suzanne with Yves Idzerda (Physics PI)
Air Force Research Lab
Applied Quantum CORE (Workforce Development)
9/1/23 - 8/31/26
Taylor, Suzi with Nicholas Lux, Jeannie Chips
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFSR)
Geospatial Skills Camp for Rural Montana Youth
9/1/24 - 9/30/27
Taylor, Suzi and partners
NASA Science Action Award
Aerokats and Rovers Education Network
3/1/2021 - 2/28/2026
Taylor, Suzanne with Nika Stoop (MSU_CFE) & Nicole Motzer (MSU_ORD)
NSF via Rutgers University
Implementation and Evaluation of the ARIS Broader Impacts Toolkit
3/20/23 - 9/30/25
Taylor Suzi with PI Robert Walker (Chemistry)
IMERSS/SMARTFireS Education/Workforce
8/1/23 - 7/31/28
Windchief, Sweeney with PI Mayra Del Carmen (Psychology), and Desiree Taylor (Education)
MSU/ORD Research Collaborative Grants
All Shades, All Spaces: Building a Bridge to Outdoor Recreation for Underserved Students at MSU
7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Windchief, Sweeney with PI Sarah Morris (Mech & Industrial Engineering)
Engineering Perspectives and Indigenizing Curriculum (EPIC) 
8/1/24 - 7/31/27
Windchief, Sweeney with PI Craig Ogilvie (Grad School), MSU President Waded Cruzado and Paul Gannon (CBE)
National Science Foundation
LSAMP BD: Montana State University All Nations Alliance
7/1/23 - 6/30/25


Formerly combined as Department of Health & Human Development:

Department of Counseling - Currently Funded Projects

Principal Investigator & Partners
Funding Agency
Grant Title
Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Bartkowiak, Anna with PI Laura Stanley (Computer Science)
MSU/ORD Research Collaborative Grants
Collaborative Research Initiative: Innovating Counselor Training using Mixed Reality Simulation 
7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Franklin, Katey with Rebecca Koltz
Yellowstone Club Community Foundation
Big Sky School Community: an Exploratory Needs Assessment
1/1/23 - 5/11/25
Koltz, Rebecca
MSU - Equipment Fee Allocation
Human Development Clinic Renovation
8/1/24 - 5/31/25
Koltz, Rebecca with Jayne Downey
US Dept of Ed Mental Health PD via UMT
Rural School Mental Health Prepare In Place (RSMHP2): Reaching High Needs Montana 
7/1/24 - 6/30/29
Koltz, Rebecca with Jayne Downey, Katey Franklin
US Dept of Education
Rural Mental Health Preparation Practice Pathway Partnership (RMHP4): Expanding a Model to Prepare Rural School-Based Mental Health Service Providers
4/1/23 - 12/31/27

Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology - Currently Funded Projects

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Becker, James International Biathlon Union Effects of Rifle Carriage on Skiing Physiology and Biomechanics 6/1/24 - 5/31/25
Becker, James MSU-Equipment Fee Allocation Theia markerless motion capture system items Software: Theia3D markerless tracking software 8/1/24 - 5/31/25
Ebel, Roland with PI Zach Miller (MSU-WARC) Montana Department of Agriculture  Increasing profitability of organic vegetable farms through improved integrated weed management 10/1/2022 - 9/30/2025
Grossenbacher, Jenny with Barb Watson US EPA - P2 program Closing the Loop: Innovations in Pollution Prevention for the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry 1/6/25 - 1/4/27
Grossenbacher, Jenny with Barb Watson US EPA - P2 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Bridging Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Pollution Prevention for Sustainable Solutions 1/6/25 - 1/4/27
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Laura Black, College of Business MSU - CSTES Research Incubator Participatory systems mapping to explore pathways toward Indigenous food sovereignty with Senegalese smallholder farmers 4/5/13 - 5/5/25
Kuo, Wan-Yuan MSU Outreach & Engagement Recipes for Resilience – Developing healthy recipes using Native crops and pantry items to support Tribal producers and food bank users in Indian country 7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Kuo, Wan-Yuan Montana Department of Agriculture RFBC contract –product development and testing to support Montana businesses (meat and poultry)  1/1/24 - 5/25/27
Kuo, Wan-Yuan MSU Research Expansion Funds Engineering lentil patties architecture by applying material science   5/15/2024 - 4/30/2025
Kuo, Wan-Yuan MSU- Equipment Fee Allocation Analytical Lab and Extrusion Unit improvements 8/1/24 - 5/31/25
Kuo, Wan-Yuan Montana Dept of Ag 2023 Montana RFSI contract - product development and testing to support Montana businesses (non-meat/poultry)  1/1/24 - 5/25/27
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Chidimma Ifeh American Heritage Chocolate Bean to bar to bin - connecting the life stories of cocoa with farmers' market consumers to promote cocoa shell upcycling. 2/27/24 - 2/26/25
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Jenny Grossenbacher and Barb Watson (Pollution Prevention Program) US EPA Montana Pollution Prevention Program: Technical Assistance for the Food & Beverage Manufacturing Industry and Environmental Justice Through Integration of Traditional Ecological Knowledge With Existing P2 Framework to Advance TEK in Federal Decision Making 10/01/22 - 9/30/25
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Sophia Seffrood USDA/NIFA Research Facilities Act Program Extrusion Facility Renovations To Advance Underutilized Crops In Mountain States 10/1/24 - 9/30/27
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Mary Miles Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research Fermentation to Unlock the Bio- and Techno-functional potential of underutilized indigenous plants 8/1/24 - 5/31/25
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Sophia Seffrood Montana Dept of Ag / SCBG Expanding value-added product innovation capacity and offering extrusion training for specialty crop stakeholders 9/30/23 - 9/29/26
Kuo, Wan-Yuan MSU- Office of International Programs Faculty-led study-abroad program in Senegal 7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Miles, Mary Cotton Incorporated Investigating the potential anti-inflammatory benefits of a cotton seed oil-rich diet 2/16/22 - 12/31/25
Miles, Mary USDA/AFRI & Pulse Association Therapeutic Impacts of Dietary Pulses on Serum Bile Acids 2/1/2021 - 1/31/26
Miles, Mary; with Zach Miller (Western Ag Rsch Ctr); Brian Bothner (Chem/Biochem); Seth Walk (Microbiology); Carl Yeoman (Animal & Range Science) USDA NIFA AFRI PARTNERSHIP: Elucidating Gut Microbiota-dependent Health Impacts of Haskap Berries to Inform Agricultural Production Practices that will Maximize Bioactive Potential  6/1/24 - 5/31/29
Ramaker, Jill USDA/NRCS via Piikani Lodge Health Institute Growing the Impossible: Climate Smart Commodities in Tribal Homelands 12/1/2023 - 11/28/2028
Ramaker, Jill USDA/FSA via Piikani Lodge Health Institute The New Golden Triangle: A Bold Vision to Advance the Tribal Agriculture Economy in the Upper Great Plains 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2028
Ramaker, Jill with Roland Ebel USDA via NHS Tribal College Calling People Back to the Land - Intergenerational Knowledge Network & Curriculum for Indigenous Food Sovereignty 6/1/23 -5/31/28
Ramaker, Jill Mellon Foundation Buffalo Nations Foodways - Recovering Cultural Knowledge through Reconnecting to  Foodways and Place in the Buffalo Nations Biocultural Region 12/1/24 - 11/30/26
Routh, Brianna MT DPHHS Families First Evaluation 2024-25 07/01/24 - 06/30/25
Routh, Brianna with Dawn Tarabochia USDA- NIFA via Missoula CFAC GusNIP Produce Prescription Program 9/15/22-9/14/25
Seffrood, Sophia MSU/OIP International Seed Grant Site Visit to Cape Peninsula University of Technology 12/11/2024- 12/11/2025
Stagg, Jay USDA via MT-OPI Foraging the 406 7/1/24 - 6/30/26
Stagg, Jay USDA via OPI Farm to School Formula Subgrant 2/15/23 - 11/30/26
Stenberg, Molly with Jay Stagg, Wenhao Zhang USDA/FNS via MT-OPI 2024 USDA Team Nutrition Training Grants for Meal Pattern Modernization and Retention and Mentorship Opportunities 9/15/24 - 9/30/27
Stenberg, Molly with Dawn Tarabochia MT OPI MT Team Nutrition for School Nutrition and Farm to School Support 10/1/23 - 9/30/25
Stenberg, Molly Novo Nordisk via Northeast Washington Educational Service District  School Food Service Peer Mentoring Expansion in Montana  9/1/24 - 12/31/25
Tomayko, Emily with PI Alex Adams (CAIRHE) Cancer Control Research in Persistent Poverty Areas NIH/NCI through U. Utah Delivery of Turtle Island Tales to Promote Family Wellness
(Part of "HOPE and CAIRHE 2gether (HC2)")
5/1/23 - 4/30/28
Whittier, Tyler Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program Bayesian inference as a way of understanding sensorimotor deficits resulting from ACL Injury 3/1/25 - 11/30/27
Zhang, Wenhao USDA - HEC via U.TN Development of the Certificate of Food Security Program, Modeling Food4Vols, a Food Upcycling Program on the College Campus 10/1/23 - 9/30/26






Department of Human Development & Community Health -
Currently Funded Projects

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
 Bird, Elizabeth with Lux, Christine Montana Community Foundation  A Head Start Buffalo People Curriculum 12/31/2025
Brennan, Alison USDA via University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Farm Stress Training for Farm Service Agency: Continuing Training 9/1/24 - 7/31/26
Decker, Kalli MSU Faculty Excellence Grant Benefits of a Museum-Based Early Learning Program for Children and Families  7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Forrester, Taylor MT  DPHHS Early Care and Education Career Development 10/1/24 - 9/30/25
Grocke, Michelle with PI Laura Balis (PIRE) NIH via Center for Nutrition and Health Impact Built environment approaches to physical activity: testing community-driven implementation strategies 9/1/24 - 8/31/26
Grocke, Michelle with Alison Brennan USDA vis Washington State U. Supporting Montana's Agricultural Communities Through Research, Education and Outreach 9/1/24 - 8/31/25
Koltz, Dan MT DPHHS Lifespan Respite Grant Program Montana Caregiving Respite Retreat Program 7/1/21 - 6/30/26
Koltz, Dan with Brianna Routh MT DPHHS Montana Kinship Navigator Program 10/1/24 - 9/30/25
Lee, Ji Hyun Alzheimers Association Social Network, Loneliness, and Cognitive Decline in Diverse Older Adults 9/01/22- 8/31/25
Lux, Christine (with Chris Kearns, Marianne Brough and Deidre Hodgson, Offices of Student Success and Student Engagement) U.S. Dept of Education Montana State University CCAMPIS 10/1/2022 - 9/30/2026
Rink, Elizabeth with PI Molly Secorturner (Nursing) UM Baltimore Global Learning for Health Equity Network
(RWJ Fdn)
Global Learning for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Equity 5/1/23 - 11/4/24
Rink, Elizabeth with Malory Peterson NSF Arctic Social Science Fertility and reproductive health decisions in response to climate change and adaptation in Greenland 9/1/23 - 10/31/25
Rink, Beth with PI Molly Secorturner (nursing) BridgerCare Teen Pregnancy Prevention Montana Youth Wellness Initiative 7/1/23 - 6/30/25
Simonds, Vanessa with Mari Eggers (LRES) (NIH) University of New Mexico  Center for Native American Environmental Health Equity 4/1/24 - 3/31/25
Simonds, Vanessa with PI Mari Eggers (Microbio & Immunology) (NIH) University of New Mexico  Investigating elevated rates of thyroid dysfunction and autoimmunity in relation to PFAS and metals exposures – a response to Crow Reservation community concerns  2/1/24 - 3/31/25
Simonds, Vanessa with PI Mari Eggers (Microbio & Immunology) & Sweeney Windchief Howard Hughes Medical Institute  IMPACT STEM Transfer: Inclusive And Meaningful Partnerships for Cultivating Transformation in STEM Transfer 11/01/22 -08/31/28 
Simonds, Vanessa with PI Mari Eggers (Microbio & Immunology) USDA/AFRI New Beginnings Returning to Our Good Camp 9/1/21 - 12/31/24
Simonds, Vanessa with PI Mari Eggers (Microbio & Immunology) USDA/NIFA Supplement Tribal College STEM Faculty Summer Institute 10/1/22 - 8/31/25
 Simonds, Vanessa NSF-AISL Guardians of the Living Water: Advancing Informal STEM Learning in a Tribal Community 9/1/2020 - 3/25/2025
Simonds, Vanessa (with Mari Eggers, Microbiology) NSF via U-MASS Center for Braiding Indigenous Knowledges and Science: Guardians of the Living Water Case Study  9/15/23 - 8/31/28
Simonds, Vanessa with PI Diane Bimczok (Microbiology) NIH Post-Bac Research Education Program PREP MT: Providing a Research Education Pathway for Minority and Tribal Students in Montana 1/5/24 - 4/30/29





TOTAL CURRENTLY AWARDED GRANTS ALL FIVE UNITS OF COLLEGE OF EHHD                                                                                                                  $43,442,605



Pending Grants

Includes proposals submitted by PIs in another department and submitted in a prior Fiscal Year:

College of EHHD (as a separate Unit) - Pending Grants

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Collins, Julian US Dept of Education 2025 TRIO-Student Support Services 9/1/25 - 8/31/30
Collins, Julian with Office of Disability Services US Dept of Education 2025 TRIO - Disabilities Student Support Services 9/1/25 - 8/31/30
Collins, Julian US Dept of Education 2025 TRIO - STEM Student Support Services 9/1/25 - 8/31/30

Department of Education - Pending Grants

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Downey, Jayne with Kelley Edwards IES Education Research and Development Center Program via Johns Hopkins Landscape Analysis of Suicide Preventive Interventions and Policies to Improve Implementation, Student Academic Outcomes, & Wellbeing 7/1/25 - 6/30/28
Downey, Jayne Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies Planning for the Center for Research on Rural Education Space Transformation 3/1/25 - 8/31/25
Elfreich, Aly with Jen Brown (Chemical & Biological Engineering) NSF-BCSER Building Capacity for Qualitative Study of Mentoring Relationships Between Faculty and Graduate Students in STEM 9/1/25 - 8/31/28
Lux, Nicholas with PI Paul Gannon (Chem/Bio Engieering) and Sweeney Windchief NSF - RET Culturally Sustaining Energy and Engineering Education for Rural and Reservation Elementary Schools 6/1/25 - 5/31/28
Myers, Carrie with Barbara do Amaral, Diversity & Inclusion Student Commons Spencer Foundation Reclaiming Outdoor Spaces: Equity in Outdoor Recreation at Predominately White Universities 4/1/25 - 9/30/25
Rogers, Leslie with Carolyn Long MSU Outreach & Engagement Phase 2: Sharing the Voices of MT Education Innovators —Developing Video Stories to Inspire MT Special Education Teachers 7/1/25 - 6/30/26
Rogers, Leslie with Carolyn Long MSU Center for Faculty Excellence Laying the Foundation: Exploring Education Innovation Centers to Inform an MSU Model 7/1/25 - 6/30/26
Seifert, Tricia with Nicholas Lux, and Paul Gannon (Chem/Bio Eng) NSF-AISL Building STEM belonging through gaming: Crash Course  9/1/25 - 8/31/30
Taylor,  Suzi NSF-AISL planning grant via National Girls Collaborative Project Partnerships for a Diverse Quantum Workforce 8/1/25 - 7/31/26
 Taylor, Suzanne with PI Dean Adams (CAA) Air Force Research Lab Applied Quantum CORE - Education and Workforce Development 1/1/25 - 12/31/27
Turk, Rebecca Spencer Foundation B.I.L.I.N.G.U.A.L. Pathways to Higher Education and Workforce Development Building Innovative Learning and Inspiring New Generations through University Advancement and Leadership for Bilingual Students and Families 10/1/25- 9/30/30
Wilson, Sarah Schmitt Spencer via Utah State U. Defining Rural Innovation for Vitality and Equity (DRIVE) 8/1/25 - 7/31/28
Windchief, Sweeney with PI PaulGannon (Chem/Bio Engineering) NSF - Broadening Participation in Engineering Indigenous Mentoring Program in Engineering to Broaden Participation  6/1/25 - 5/31/30

Department of Counseling - Pending Grants

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Franklin, Katey with  Kari Finley & Bridget Hanson (MSU Center for Health & Safety Culture) and Jayne Downey Human Resources and Services Administration: HRSA Rural Communities Wellness Program 8/1/25 - 5/31/28

Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology - Pending Grants

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Becker, Jim with Tyler Whittier and Scott Monfort, MIE, Corey Pew, MIE Murdock Charitable Trust Enhancing Scientific Rigor and Expanding Capabilities of Biomechanics Research in Montana via Markerless Motion Capture 6/1/25 - 5/31/28
Ebel, Roland WSARE Professional/Producer Purslane, a novel self-growing vegetable for the Montana food system  5/1/25 - 4/30/28
Ebel, Roland with Claire Luby (PSPP) MDA-Specialty Crops Block Grant Extending Vegetable Production with Leafy Green Varieties Tailored to Montana's Shoulder Seasons 09/30/2025 - 09/28/2028
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with  Bradley Whitaker (Electrical Eng) and Neda Nazemi (Computer Science) MDA-Specialty Crops Block Grant Artificial Intelligence to accelerate value-added innovation and marketing of specialty crops 9/30/25 -9 29/28
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Neda Nazemi (Computer Science) and Bradley Whitaker (Electrical Eng) Western SARE Research and Education Decoding consumers' preference for sustainable value-added foods - Artificial intelligence to model sensory and sustainability perceptions of pulse crops 4/1/25 - 3/31/28
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with PhD student Bello Yunusa WSARE Grad R&E Developing Novel Lentil Flour: Promoting Value-Added Agriculture from Montana Farms 04/01/2025 - 03/31/2028
Kuo, Wan-Yuan USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council Artificial intelligence to optimize flavor and sustainability marketing of lentils 8/1/25- 12/4/26
Routh, Brianna with Carrie Ashe (Extension) Western Rural Development Center Best Practices in Extension Science Communication for Rural Communities  4/1/25 - 3/31/26
Routh, Brianna with PhD student Yu Jiang American Psychological Foundation Empowering Gifted Students through Neuroscientific Innovation 6/1/25 - 5/30/26
Seffrood, Sophia MT Pulse Crop Committee Equipping Montana Pulse Stakeholders with Market Readiness Skills for Extruded Food and Feed Products 7/1/25 - 6/30/26




Department of Human Development & Community Health - Pending Grants

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Lee, Ji Hyun with U. Hawaii & U. Alaska partners Regional Alliance of INBRE networks (RAIN) Collaborative Research Project Medical Informatics to Characterize and Predict ADRD Risks in a Gender Dysphoric Population 5/1/25 - 4/30/27
Rink, Elizabeth NIMHD A Mixed Methods Syndemic Approach to Sexual Risk Behavior in American Indian Youth 7/1/25 - 6/30/27
Rink, Beth with Molly Secor (Nursing) DHHS - Theory and Innovation Support Hub Development of Substance Use and Mental Health Logic Model for We Are Here Now 4/1/25 - 8/30/25
Schure, Mark Messengers for Health Daasachchuchik (‘Strong Heart’): Implementing and evaluating a mental health program for Apsáalooke tribal members 2/10/25 - 12/31/25
Vaterlaus, Mitch USDA via BYU Recruitment to Retention: Current experiences in and perspectives on the school meals industry 6/1/25 - 11/30/26





TOTAL PENDING GRANTS ALL FIVE UNITS OF COLLEGE OF EHHD                                                                                                                                             $13,654,510