- How's My Kid Doing: A Parent's Guide to Grades, Marks, and Report Cards
- Author: Thomas Guskey (ISBN-0-7879-6073-X)
- Synopsis: This book is designed to help parents make sense of their childrens' grades
and engage in productive conversations with their teachers.
- Rigor by Design, Not Chance: Deeper Thinking About Actionable Instruction and Assessment
- Author: Karin Hess (eISBN-9781416631651)
- Synopsis: Hess offers a practical approach for deepening engagement, promoting a growth
mindset, and building classroom culture to support teaching and learning.
- Deeper Competency-Based Learning: Making Equitible, Student-Centered, Sustainable
- Authors: Hess, Colby, & Joseph (ISBN-9781544397078)
- Synopsis: This book offers best practices about implementing CBE. This book has useful
appendicies to help schools make the shift to CBE.
- Why are We Still Doing That? Positive Alternatives to Problematic Teaching Practices
- Authors: PĂ©rsida Himmele and William Himmele (ISBN-978-1-4166-3051-7)
- Synopsis: This teacher-positive book examines 16 common educational practices that
undermine learning.
- A Handbook for Developing and Using Proficiency Scales in the Classroom
- Authors: Hoegh, Heflebower, & Warrick (ISBN-9781943360284)
- Synopsis: This handbook provides a toolkit of strategies, methods, and examples for
developing proficiency scales in a variety of content areas.
- Teaching in a Competency-Based Elementary School: The Marzano Academies Model
- Authors: Marzano & Abbott (ISBN-9781943360406)
- Synopsis: This books offers a roadmap to guide teachers and curriculum designers in
creating an instructional framework grounded in CBE.
- Teaching in a Competency-Based Secondary School: The Marzano Academies Model
- Authors: Marzano, Aschoff, & Avila(ISBN-9781943360444)
- Synopsis: This book synthesizes decades of research and experience to offer secondary
educators a guide for breaking down and teaching CBE according to the Marzano Model.
- A Handbook for Personalized, Competency-Based Education: Ensure all Students Master
Content by Designing and Implementing a PCBE System
- Authors: Marzano, Norford, Finn, & Finn (ISBN-978-1-943360-13-0)
- Synopsis: This books discusses strategies, approaches, and techniques schools and
districts should consider for adopting a personalized, CBE approach.
- Unpacking a Competency-Based Classroom: Equitable, Personalized Learning in a PLC
at Work
- Authors: Vander Els & Stack (ISBN-978-1952812460)
- Synopsis: This book offers perspectives and examples for revamping a traditional approach
to be more competency-based. This text was written by school administrators and includes
many examples of CBE across the U.S.
- Competency-Based Education: The Why, What, and How Video...
- Proficiency-Based Learning Videos
- Synopsis: The University of Vermont offers a variety of videos about using a proficiency-based
approach to teach math, special education, Spanish, reading, etc. as part of its Innovative
Education in VT resource hub.
- The Lindsay Story: Confronting the Status Quo and Creating a New Vision for Learning
- Synopsis: The Lindsay Unified School District (CA) has undergone a major transformation
to improve the educational experiences for all "Lindsay learners". This superintendent
explains the Lindsay story and how it implemented a performance-based system to accomplish
that goal. A variety of other videos about Lindsay Unified schools are accessible
via this hub.
- Visualizing Proficiency Scales
- A 4th grade teacher describes how she uses proficiency scales in the classroom (Magna
Elementary, Granite Schools, UT)
- How to Teach Proficiency Scales in Your Class
- Synopsis: This 7th grade teacher discusses how to teach with proficiency scales in
the classroom aligned to Common Core, the Marzano framework, and a Standards-Based
Grading framework.
- Assessing Math Proficiency: Standards Based Grading
- Synopsis: "The Recovering Traditionalist" (teacher) talks about assessing math proficiency
using Standards-Based Grading.
- Using Proficiency Scales - Jaci Lenz - Northwood
- Synopsis: In this video, an Algebra 1 teacher explains how she uses proficiency scales
to a) plan daily activities & units, b) manage the classroom, and c) guide writing
- How to Use Standards Based Assessment Without Giving Up Percentages
- Synopsis: This 11th/12th grade physics teacher describes how he synthesizes standards-based
grading with percentages and grades.
- Proficiency Scales: What Does My Grade Actually Mean?
- Synopsis: This 9th grade physics and engineering teacher interprets how grades are
determined with formative and summative assessments using proficiency scales. (Note:
synthesizing grades with proficiency scales is not well agreed upon; some experts
[such as Dr. Marie Alcock] suggest that grades should be done away with and educators
should instead focus on how well learners demonstrate competencies.)
- An Observation of a Proficiency-Based Classroom
- Synopsis: This link to an open google doc overviews Dr. Hailey Hancock's conversation
with renowned Bozeman middle school teacher, Leanne Lorenz. This document includes
two videos and links to a variety of resources.
College of Education, Health & Human Development
Montana State University
P.O. Box 172940
250 Reid Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717-2940
Tel: (406) 994-4133
Dr. Tricia Seifert
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