You have completed the EdReady Initial Math Placement!

BOOKMARK THIS PAGE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. This page contains links you will need to raise your placment level and prepare for your first math class.

Initial Scores 45-51 -- What's next?

If your initial diagnostic score is 45-51, your MSU Math Placement Level is 150 

  • If you would like to raise your Math Placement to Level 250, you will need to work to an EdReady Study Path Score of 80.
  •  If you would like to raise your Math Placement to Level 300, you will need to work to an EdReady Study Path Score of 95. 

You should continue in the EdReady Study Path. Math Placement Level of 150 places students in a developmental math class that does not earn college credit at the end of the semester (unless your major requires M 005/105Q in which case you earn partial college credit). It is in your best interest to take advantage of the EdReady Study Path and improve your math placement.

  • By improving your Math Placement to Level 250, you can then enroll in a math class that earns 3 college credits.
  • By improving your Math Placement to Level 300, you can then enroll in a math class that earns college credit.  
MSU Math Placement Level of 150 is LOWER than the required placement for ALL majors

Initial Math Placement of 150 does not meet any major requirements.

  • Other factors such as any ACT/SAT scores you submitted to MSU may also raise your placement. MSU will count the scores that give you the highest placement.
    • For example if your ACT/SAT scores place you at a higher level than 150, we will use your ACT/SAT scores for placement.
  • Approximately 24 hours after reaching your Study Path Score goal (listed above), the system will automatically adjust your placement. After your placement has been updated, contact your advisor to ensure you register for the correct class(es). 

New and incoming Freshman and Transfer students can plan to discuss Study Path Score with advisor during Orientation.

How can I find what's required for my major?
  • Your major may require specific math class(es) and/or require other science classes that list math placement as a pre-requisite requirement  
  • To know what placment you need for your major, use the links below: