DXI speakers and organizers: L-r: John Cech, Suzanne Walsh, Lynsey Dyer, Jeffrey Conger,
Sarah Pennington, Cliff Weitzman
Next DXI Symposium October 24, 2024 5:30 - 8:00 PM Register Now!
Montana State University is hosting the 2024 Dyslexia & Innovation symposium on Thursday,
October 24, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm in Inspiration Hall located on the second Norm Asbjornson
Hall on the MSU campus.
This year is an in-person event with ticketed seating for Inspiration Hall and a live-stream
broadcast available online for those across the country. Registration is required
as in-person seating is limited to 300 seats, and online participants must be registered
to access the live stream. The 2024 DXI symposium is free and open to the public,
with Montana educators earning up to 3 renewal credits through participation.
Hosted by Montana State University, this community event is made possible through
the generous support of the Karen and William Brace family and event sponsorship from
the Joseph James Morelli Legacy Foundation. Click below to register today!
Featured Articles
Lynsey Dyer
Lynsey Dyer is a professional skier and youth empowerment leader who is also an MSU
Supaman (Christian Takes Gun Parrish) is an innovative Hip Hop artist, Native American
dancer, and member of the Apsaalooke Nation who lives on the Crow Reservation of Montana.
As a dyslexic college student Cliff Weitzman built Speechify, a mobile and desktop
app that lets users listen to documents and books instead of reading.