A: Before fall 1991 MSU was in the quarter system, DegreeWorks does not convert quarter credits into semester credits. Please meet with your advisor to determine what courses apply to your degree and find out your accurate totals.

A: There could be several reasons. One is that DegreeWorks may not have refreshed since a change was made (the information is refreshed nightly). Second, there could be some paperwork that needs to be completed. For example, if you have completed transfer courses, it is possible that the university has not received an official transcript or the coursework is pending review. Check with the Registrar’s Office if your transcript or worksheet does not reflect transfer work you have completed.

A: Contact your academic advisor to make this correction.

A: If you have declared an additional major or minor, they are broken out into individual requirement blocks within the Student View worksheet. If it is not showing on your worksheet, you will need to submit the proper paper work to declare the program/major or minor.

A: DegreeWorks cannot show second concentrations at this time (except for Business and Elementary Education majors).

A: If your second degree is a different type than your first degree (your first is a BS and your second is a BA), you can access your second degree worksheet by using the Degree drop down menu at the top of the screen for the Student View worksheet. If your second degree is that same type as your first degree, both degrees will be listed on the same worksheet.

A: If you have not filled out the paper work to declare a minor or second major it will not appear in DegreeWorks. Work with your advisor to complete the necessary paper work. If you have completed the appropriate paper work, contact the Registrar's Office.

A: Consult your academic advisor for a review of your worksheet. Any exception to major/minor requirements should be discussed with your advisor or Registrar's Office.

A: If your CS/IN course is in progress it may not show up as you expect. Once it is complete it should appear as fulfilling the correct course requirement. If you have one CS/IN course and one permitted substitution course it will only show the CS/IN course as fulfilled. Once a second permitted substitution course is taken, this requirement should be shown as complete.

A: Contact your academic advisor for additional assistance

A: Yes. DegreeWorks is laid out in block format displaying program/major requirements information. Look for unchecked boxes to identify requirements that still need to completed (in red). In-progress courses are shown (in blue). For the classes that have not yet been attempted, DegreeWorks offers suggestions as to which class to take, thereby eliminating the hassle of searching for classes to satisfy an unmet requirement.

A: Your worksheet will outline for you courses still needed to meet program/major requirements within each specific block. You may then use this information to discuss your plan with your academic advisor.

A: Contact your academic advisor for additional assistance.

A: The inclusion of student addresses, details about what hold the student has on their record, the addition of a term G.P.A., defaulting a list of advisees for advisors, as well as modules to help with Financial Aid and NCAA eligibility requirements. If you have additional request for future enhancements please contact Tony Campeau at tcampeau@montana.edu.

A: Fill out the desired changes on the curriculum change form found on the Registrar's Website and submit it to the Registrar's office 101 Montana Hall.

A: Make sure that the "Include in-progress classes" checkbox is selected. If this doesn't fix the problem, please send an email to degreeworks@montana.edu.