The Dean of Students Office's Mission

Offer dependable services for our campus while empowering students to advocate for themselves in the context of advancing appropriate academic and community expectations. Our programs may offer support during times of conflict, facilitate healing during times of crisis, and provide educational opportunities during times of development.

I invite you to stop into our office in SUB 174, say hello, and get to know the support we can offer you.

– Matt Caires, Dean of Students

  Matt Caires, Dean of Students



On call

A member of the DOS staff is on-call five days a week from 8am to 5 to assist students. We are available over the phone or in-person (SUB 174) for appointments as early as same-day.


Students in front of the bobcat statue


As a result of growing national trends on college campuses of mental health issues, MSU has created the CARE program. The CARE referral provides a simple way to express concern about a community member that will be reviewed by our CARE team.


Aerial shot of students walking on a path on campus

Student Conduct

Our policies at MSU are designed to establish the community standards and procedures necessary to maintain and protect an environment on campus conducive to learning and in line with the educational objectives of the university.

Bid Day

Frat & Sorority Life

Fraternity and Sorortiy chapters have existed on campus since 1917 and have become the the largest student organization at MSU. Membership provides opportunities for leadership development, scholastic achievement, and life-long friendships.

Students at an MSU football game

Bobcat Parent & Family Program

By virtue of having a student at MSU, all parents are members of our Bobcat Parent and Family Program, which aims to support parents and families as their students navigate MSU. We provide programs and activities, develop resources, and communicate with university administration.

Student in NAH window

University Withdrawls

MSU is committed to the health, safety, and well-being of all our students. We understand that occassionally circumstances might arise that limit a student's ability to function successfully on campus. In such circumstances, students may be eligible for a leave of absence or retroactive withdrawal.

Two students talking

Student Emergency Fund

The Student Emergency Fund (SEF) assists Montana State University students by providing limited emergency financial assistance to currently enrolled students to assist with an unexpected emergency, accident, or incident, occurring immediately.

Aerial shot of campus

Safety Questionnaire

Persons applying for admission to Montana State University or returning to the university following a break in attendance are required to disclose whether they have any felony convictions, suspensions, or other related charges. An affirmative response to one or more of these questions generates a requirement for further review by the Committee.




Privacy Policy

In compliance with federal and state law, Montana State University is not authorized to release any student information to third parties, including parents and family members. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), the privacy of all educational records, in any medium, maintained by MSU, is protected. For more information, please see the Registrar's page on FERPA Overview.

Additionally, Montana state law requires protection of student privacy, which provides further restrictions on our ability to release any student information to parents. For more information, please see Montana state law on student privacy.


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