Information Tables
Use of information tables to promote your event or cause is a privilege extended to registered student groups and campus departments. In order to ensure all groups are treated equally, please read the below list of rules that help define what is considered acceptable and responsible use of the information table space.
- Four spaces available and the space MUST BE reserved.
- NO FOOD OR DRINK of any kind is to be passed out.
- NO SELLING of any type of product is permitted at the tables, UNLESS you have completed and submitted a SUB sales request form and it has been approved.
- Banners and posters can be attached to the front of the table ONLY.
- A representative must be at the table FOR THE ENTIRE DURATION OF BOOKING.
- Any representatives staffing the table MUST REMAIN BEHIND the table at all times.
- Arrive ON TIME, depart ON TIME.
- All displays must he BEHIND or IMMEDIATELY BESIDE the table and CANNOT EXTEND more than 3 feet from the side of the table.
- Approaching or calling out to passersby's is PROHIBBITED.
- ONLY one table can be reserved per day.
- Groups are LIMITED to 7 days per semester, the days do not need to be consecutive.
Poster Case
Use of the poster case to promote your event or cause is a privilege extended to registered student groups and campus departments. In order to ensure all groups are treated equally, please read the below list of rules that help define what is considered acceptable and responsible use of the poster case.
- Four spaces available and the space MUST BE reserved.
- Posters CANNOT EXCEED 27.5" wide and 43" high.
- The sponsoring groups name MUST BE clearly visible.
- Groups MUST put up and remove their own information. Information not removed will I be discarded.
- Groups are LIMITED to 7 days per semester, the days do not need to be consecutive.
Banner Space
Use of banner space to promote your event or cause is a privilege extended to registered student groups and campus departments. In order to ensure all groups are treated equally, please read the below list of rules that help define what is considered acceptable and responsible use of banner space.
- Two spaces available and the space MUST BE reserved.
- Banner MUST NOT exceed 6' wide by 3' high.
- The sponsoring groups name MUST BE clearly visible.
- Groups MUST put up and remove their own information. Information not removed will be discarded.
- Groups are LIMITED to 7 days per semester, the days do not need to be consecutive.
Table Tents
Use of table tents to promote your event or cause is a privilege extended to registered student groups and campus departments. In order to ensure all groups are treated equally, please read the below list of rules that help define what is considered acceptable and responsible use of table tents.
- Two spaces available and the space MUST BE reserved. Reservations are booked MonÂday through Sunday. Total of 250 spots to place tents, including upstairs and downÂstairs.
- The sponsoring groups name MUST BE clearly visible.
- Table tents MUST stand, NO FLYERS.
- Groups MUST have Conference and Event Services sign off on the table tents BEFORE printing.
- Groups MUST put up and remove their own tents. Tents not removed will be discarded
on Sunday evening. - Groups are LIMITED to 7 consecutive days per semester.