Institutional Plan for Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus & Off-Site Research
Research team leaders and team members must review all of the information within this webpage.
At the verification, you must compete the brief survey. Once complete, you will receive an email verifying you have completed these requirements. Thank you for reviewing this information.
The following MSU policies shall be reviewed by all members of the research team prior to departure based on the individual's role at the University. Please keep in mind that other expectations may be outlined by the Research Team Leader or the Department.
For All
- Discrimination Harrassment and Retaliation Policy
- Campus Alcohol and Drug Policy
- Relationship with Students Policy
- If an international trip, International Travel Policy
- State of Montana and Board of Regents Vehicle Use Policy
- Student Field Trips and Domestic Travel Policy
For Students
For Employees
- Relationships in the Workplace Policy
- Workplace Expectation and Conduct: Workplace Violence Prevention & Policy Guidelines
- Workplace Expectations and Conduct: Reasonable Accomodations for Employees and Applicants with Disabilities
Additional MSU Policies
The MSU Policy and Procedures page contains other polices that may be of interest. While not required for review, this is a link to other policies that may impact you or others.
Employees - Required
- Mandatory Reporter Training/Title IX Training
- This training is required every 2 years for all employees. If you have completed within the last 2 years, you do not have to complete again. If you have questions as to if you have completed, please contact Campus Civil Rights at or 406-994-2042.
- Bystander Intervention and Field Safety
- This video was developed by the Center for Faculty Excellence. Dr. Madison Myers presents information about Bystander Intervention Training and Building a more extensive field safety guide. Meredith Knowles contributed to the content.
Students and Others - Required
Optional Trainings/Education
- Safe Zone Training
- Indian Education for All
- VOICE Center Violence Prevention Workshop and other Trainings
- Center for Faculty Excellence - Inclusive Practices in the Classroom, Research and Outreach
- State of Montana RMTD Driving Trainings
- MSU Training Calendar for CPR/AED/First Aid
- MSU Outdoor Recreation Avalance Courses
- MSU Outdoor Recreation Wilderness First Aid Courses
- MSU Outdoor Recreation Clinics
- Bear safety, avalanche rescue, and more
- AdvanceGeo Bystander Training
- MSU Suicide Prevention Programming
- MSU Human Resources Professional Development
- Includes information on Diversity & Inclusiong Development Certificate, Cruicial Conversations workshop, and Supervisor Training.
- The Rural Community Walk: A Structured Learning Experience for Understanding Place by Jayne Downey
Communication, Response, and Safety Blueprint
The Team Leader must develop a Communication, Response, and Safety Blueprint and distribute it to all members of the Research Team prior to departure. This step is the responsibility of the Research Team Leader and may be combined with other plans already implemented or required for other purposes. The resources below are available to assist Team Leaders in plan development.
If team members join the team after initial distribution, it is the Team Leader's responsibility to confirm the new members have completed the requirements of this institutional plan and have received a copy of the Blueprint prior to departure.
Minimum Requirements of a Blueprint
A Communication, Response, and Safety Blueprint should address these items:
- Conduct that is unwelcome, offensive, indecent, obscene, and disorderly will not be tolerated and how it will be addressed if it does occur.
- Abuse of any person, including, but not limited to, harassment, stalking, bullying, or hazing of any kind, whether the behavior is carried out verbally, physically, electronically, or in written form is not acceptable and how it will be addressed if it does occur.
- Detailed information about location of the team during the trip and unique challenges for the team presented due to the off-site nature of the research.
- Types and availability of communication mechanisms and how a team member can access these mechanisms.
- Who on the trip is a Mandatory Reporter for Title IX purposes.
- The organizational mechanisms that will be used to address behavioral concerns or instances of unwanted or unwelcome behaviors
- Contact information for local emergency medical personnel.
- Type and method of post trip evaluation and debrief.
- How team members can report concern or discomfort during and after the trip.
Have you thought about...
- How might you develop a safer environement for your Team?
- What communication in advance of the trip might be helpful in addressing concerns during the trip?
- How can you set the expectations in advance surrounding inclusivity?
- Do you have emergency information and contact information for your team members?
- How can you minimize conflict and set expectations about communication, roles, culture, and responsibilities?
NSF Requirement
Note: NSF directorates such as BIO and GEO have additional requirements which can be found here: Safe and Inclusive Working Environments Pilot Programs
Best Practices and Sample Documents
These documents and resources are presented as samples and guides you might consider:
- MSU Field Safety Guide
- MSU Earth Sciences Comprehensive Field Safety Guide
- "A Guide for Developing a Field Research Safety Manual that Explicitly Considers Risks For Marganianalized Identies in the Sciences"
- Report of the Workshop to Promote Safety in FIeld Sciences
- Arizona State University Field Research Safety Manual
Team Leader Responsibility
The Team Leader must:
- Develop the Communication, Response, and Safety Blueprint.
- Distribute the Communication, Response, and Safety Blueprint to all members of the Team. This includes any future members unknown at this time, who will participate in off-campus research.
- In Office of Sponsored Program's Electronic Proposal Clearance Form (ePCF), submit their verification email as a miscellaneous attachment.
- Confirm that all members of the Team have reviewed this website and submitted verification prior to allowing members to participate in off-campus research.
Although not required by this institutional plan, it is highly recommended that the Team Leader submit the Blueprint to their department head.
Need Help?
A team of experts is available to assist you. They can answer questions and provide advice.
All team members should know how to make reports to MSU. The link below contains ways to report concerns by any team member.
Abuse of any person, including, but not limited to harassment, stalking, bullying, or hazing of any kind, whether the behavior is carried out verbally, physically, electronically, or in written form or conduct that is unwelcome, offensive, indecent obscene or disorderly maybe reported through mechanisms found here:
These resources must be reviewed by each team member. Some of these resources are specifically designed to be easily printed and taken to off-campus and off-site research locations where internet may not exist.
Physical Safety Resources
- MSU Outdoor Recreation - rental equipment, classes, clinics, bear safety, avalanche workshop, packing lists, and more.
- MSU Safety and Risk - incident and accident reporting, insurance information, vehicle safety, chemical safety, and more.
Discrimination, Harassment and Behavioral Resources
For All
Rights and Reporting Options (
This document describes reporting options for individuals who may have experienced sexual violence, protected class discrimination, harassment or retaliation. It provides resources around impacts these experience my have on an individual such as 24-hour support line, counseling, legal law enforcement and MSU information.
The MSU VOICE Center provides free and confidential services and information for all people impacted by sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and harassment; including friends, family, and loved ones of survivors. Advocates are available 24-hours a day to provide confidential support, information, and discuss different options.
Diversity and Inclusion Resources
MSU Health Advancement (Alcohol & Drug Assistance Center, Food Pantry, Travel Health resources)
For Students
For Employees
Resources for employees as part of the CHOICES benefits plan. This resources provides a 24-hour Crisis Help line, in-person counseling and online consultations with licenesed couselors for free or little cost.
By completing this form, you verify you have reviewed this information and completed the required trainings. This institutional plan may be supplemented by additional information, communications, and education as determined necessary by the Research Team Leader.
Once you complete the form, you will receive an email confirmation.
All team members may receive an email within a year of completing this verification that will inquire about their experience during their off-campus or off-site research experience.
The data collected will be used to assess the institutional plan and may lead to changes by MSU in how this plan is administered to best serve our research community.
In addition, feedback may be used to improve individual research program's Communication, Response, and Safety Blueprint and implementation of the Blueprint.