All registered student organizations (RSO) must follow the university policy on the use of the MSU Name and logo.  Students can show their support for MSU by using the university name and logo in accordance with the policy.

Below you will find guidelines for registered student organizations.

Selecting a Name

A Registered Student Organization may state that its membership is composed of students of Montana State University and may identify themselves only as "The ________ Club of or at Montana State University, a Registered Student Organization."

Name use guidelines:

  • Registered Student Organizations must include the word “club” in their name.
  • Use of the word “Cats” is allowed, for example: Swing Cats Club
  • Club Sports, participating in competitions, may request the ability to use the word Bobcats their club name. 
  • Chapters of National and Honorary Societies: RSO’s may incorporate the use of the university name, but not the logo, into the RSO name: Montana State University chapter of (insert national organization name).

Creating a Graphic Identity or Logo for Your RSO

RSO’s can create their own unique logos and identity that reflects their club. However, when creating that mark, do not use or incorporate any elements of the MSU logo or the Bobcat athletic marks and logos into a new graphic.

Logo Guidelines

  • The RSO’s full name must appear in the logo, such as Timber Sports Club Montana State University or Timber Sports Club at MSU
  • Cartoon and stylized version of Cats and/or a Bobcat are not permitted.
  • Logo designs must reflect positively on the university and your student organization.

Use of University Name

No organization may imply that it is acting with the authority or as an agent of MSU, or that it is an intercollegiate athletic team of the University, unless it has been properly sanctioned as an intercollegiate athletics team by the University. Currently, only teams that are overseen by MSU Athletics are sanctioned by the University.  No other use of the University's name is authorized including RSO’s granting organizations outside of MSU the authority to use MSU’s name and logos. 

Creation of Merchandise

Registered Student Organizations may create merchandise and memorabilia for the club.

There are two categories of merchandise that may be created:

Internal use merchandise

Internal use merchandise is any item created bearing the club name, used solely by the members of the group.

The following rules apply:

    • Designs must be reviewed and approved by the Office of Student Engagement.
    • All products must be produced by an approved licensed vendor
    • Here is a list of approved licensed vendors.

External use merchandise

External use merchandise is any item created bearing the club name that will be sold or given away to members outside the club. External merchandise is subject to the trademarks and licensing policy.

The following rules apply:

Use of name on Organization's Website or Social Media Accounts

Registered Student Organizations may use the name of the University in connection with an organization's official website and/or social media accounts subject to the following restrictions:

  • Use of the University name must be consistent with applicable Trademark and Licensing policies and the limitations contained herein.
  • The Web page and content generated by the social media account may not include language or images that are offensive or otherwise reflect inappropriately on MSU's name. The MSU Licensing Director will be responsible for determining whether the use of the name is consistent with the university standards for use of the university name.
  • The name, logos or marks may not be used in conjunction with commercial advertising.

Please contact with questions.

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