Earn an added endorsement to be a K-12 school librarian.
Library Media Certificate
Library Media Certificate (LMC): Join the next generation of school librarians with a school library media certificate. The school library media certificate program is designed for teachers with a valid United States (or its territories) teaching license who wish to obtain an added endorsement. The program is 21-credits and 100% online and asynchronous. The program can be completed in as few as three semesters, or students may pace things out over multiple years. The program has been accepted for licensure in various states including Montana, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and Wyoming. Check with your state teacher licensure agency to determine if our program meets your state’s qualifications.
Fund Your Education
Many state library associations offer scholarships to teachers enrolled in school library certificate programs. Contact your state library association for more information. Montana State University offers two small competitive scholarships for library media students. Visit CatScholarships and search "library" for more information.
Masters in Curriculum & Instruction
Masters in Curriculum & Instruction: The M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Educator Option will accept the 21 credits of the LMC program toward the 30 credits required for completion; leaving LMC completers with only 9 credits remaining to complete the program. Interested LMC students are encouraged to apply in their final semester of the LMC.
Admissions Requirements
Note: no GRE Required.
A student may apply to the full M.Ed. program at any time during or after their library media certificate program; however, all courses for both must be completed within 6 years. Students who choose this option may be enrolled in two programs simultaneously: Library Media Certificate and Master's degree in Curriculum & Instruction. Read our LMC Inquiry Letter for more information about the program, or contact our team at librarymedia@montana.edu.