two students looking at computer screen

Computer Science 

Pair knowledge of computer science with social sciences, the humanities or business to be a creative problem-solver with a variety of impactful, in-demand career paths including social media, health care and data analytics.

Computer Science - (B.A., B.S., Minor)

Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science 

Pair knowledge of computer science with social sciences, the humanities or business to be a creative problem-solver with a variety of impactful, in-demand career paths including social media, health care and data analytics.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Learn the fundamentals of computing while diving into diverse and exciting fields like artificial intelligence, multimedia and computational biology.Right now is the perfect time to pursue a degree in computer science: Each year there are more jobs involving computing and computers. Students can pursue either the professional option or the interdisciplinary option.

In addition to the major, computer science can also be taken as a minor.









Career Resources

Within their first year of graduation, more than 96% of Montana State graduates are employed, continuing their education or not seeking employment, and career guidance website Zippia consistently ranks MSU as the #1 school in the state where alumni are most likely to land jobs.

Career Coaching & Professional Skills Studio

Professional career coaches help students with their career exploration, employer networking opportunities and job or internship searches. They also critique resumes and help students practice job interviews. Additionally, the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success offers free workshops for students to develop the professional communication and collaboration skills that are highly sought after by employers.


Computer science students at Montana State University go into careers such as:

  • Social Media
  • Data Analytics
  • Product Management
  • Health Care

To explore more career possibilities, the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success has a variety of tools available,including self-assessment and working with career coaches.